Chapter 2: The Reason

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3rd person's POV:

It was late at night and Senna and Gaara are stitting on the roof above their house just talking to each other.

But one question that Senna asked to Gaara caught him off guard

"Hey..Gaara.. Why does people hate, fear and wanting to kill us?"


Senna replied by saying "hmm?"

Senna's POV:

"Hmm?" I say softly

"Well..They fear us because.."
He stopped to think of how to say it for a few minutes, then he started speaking "Because we are jinchuriki, we kill people because of the bloodlust of the beast inside of us.." I was shocked, I..I didn't know that...that I was a jinchuriki...having a monster inside of you and you didn't know is pretty...shocking...then I asked him "do you have...beast... inside of you?" then he answerd " too..we have the 1 tailed beast, inside us and the beast is not allowing you and me to sleep" so thats explain it...on why I cant sleep and...why when I see blood I get bloodlust so easily, then we sat there in silence waiting for the sunset to rise...when the we went back inside our house to see.......
Hey guys! Crystal here! And im am sorry for not posting some stuff and yeah...sorry its veeeerrrryyyyyy short I am just lazy is all but I promise you that I will be posting a long one like chapter 1! So yeah thats all andddd BUH-BAIIIIIIIII ANNNNNDDD PIECE OUT!!!!!!

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