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Gumball finished his cooking, he turned off the stove and wiped on his forehead. He glanced down over at his perfectly made steak barbecue and let out a sigh.

He took a plate from the cabinet, and made sure everything he makes needs to be presentable, even though there was no reason why.

He heard the TV saying adult jokes, it made him think that Marshall was probably making Bonnie watch those violence. He looked at the living room seeing them indeed watching "Roger Battle: Day 3".

That movie was prohibited especially to young viewers due to its use of foul words and vile scenes with use of guns.

"What do you think you are watching?" Gumball stands infront of the TV so that no one could see what was going on.

"Hey!" Marshall gestures for him to move. "It's Day 3 of Roger Battle! I Have to see it!"

"You can see it but Bonnie isn't going to see any of it." He says taking the remote before Marshall could.

"Buy look how interested she is with all the action!?" He points at Bonnie, who was jumping up and down om the couch.

"Roger Battle defend! Go!" She raises her fist in the air.

Marshall raised his brow to prove his point that it was bad for little girls like Bonnie, he changed the Channel  to "Bunnie Mctooth". The Bunny Rabbit who grants wishes for children who are in need of help.

"BOBELSOOOON!" She screams to the top of her lungs nearly making the windows break. "Roger Battle!" She demanded.

"I am not like this attitude young lady." Gumball crossed his arms.
"Go to your room."

"Gee, Bubbs. You dont have to ground her." He says pulling Bonnie near to him.

"That's how Aunt and Uncle raised me and that's how I'll raise her." He looked away but was a little embarrassed, since Marshall was right.

"Don't worry, Bonnie. Mommy's gonna keep you away from the mean Sugar-paps." Marshall says lifting her up in the air and brings here down to nuzzle her nose.

Gumball sighed, "Okay, I'm sorry." He looked over at Marshall then to Bonnie. "I'm just a little tired from cooking I guess."

Marshall stood up from his seat with Bonnie in his arms. He held Gumball's shoulder and wrapped his arms around it. "Don't worry Bubbs, we can deal with this like real parents!" He laughs.

"Parents?" He sheepishly chuckled. "I'd say you mean Baby sitters."

"R-right?" He giggles. "Now where's the dinner, daddy?"


Gumball, sat on his bed with only the lamp as his source of light. He finally had a chance to finish the book, Marshall offered to wash the dishes and take Bonnie to bed.

He was actually glad now that Marshall was there to help him in the first place. He always had struggle with kids but when Marshall does it, it looks like he was completely effortless with everything.

Marshall opened his room door with his head popping out. "Yow!" He waves.

"Do you need anything?" Gumball asks taking off his glasses setting down his book.

"Nah. I just wanted to come in." He says entering messing up his hair walking towards Gumball.

"How come you get to be good with kid?"

"I told you, It's as easy as sitting dogs. " Marshall sat infront of him.

"Uh..She's not a dog."

Marshall laughed. "Don't you get it. Baby sitting dogs are like babysitting kids. You feed them, bathe them, put them to sleep." He winks. "Simple as that."

"Oh" Marshall laughs from his own stupidity. "Thanks for the doing the dishes too."

"Yep, speaking of that." He yawns."I need to sleep." He drops himself to the open space beside Gumball.

"Mar-No! Your room's on the othersid-Marshall!" He yells, shoving him off the bed. "Shit."

I am not sleeping in this bed with him..

He groaned realizing he had no choice. He turns off the lamp and shuffled down to the sheets. He looled the other way, so that he wouldn't be disturbed with his sleep.


Marshall rolled left and right, buy something was bright against his eyes. He knew it was morning already. He slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw Gumball still asleep beside him.

He smiles when a red streak went over his face. Gumball looked more nicer, when he doesn't have glasses on and he looks really calm.

Marshall's face inched a little closer to his face, his right hand tracing his jawline pulling his chin closer. His eyes slowly closes the more his face came closer.

Not a minute wasted, his lips was on his. It was crashing down to Gumball's. Marshall used his both hands to pull Gumball closer to his.

It wasn't long when Gumball snapped, waking up. He sat up staring back at Marshall.

Marshall got up beside him scooting closer, he didn't know if he was going t apologise or what?

"S-sorry. " he says brushing his hair back.

Gumball looked out the window so that he could hide the blush on his face. "That was really weird you know."

Marshall's eyes widened. He didn't like it."S-sorry, really I am." He held Gumball's shoulder hoping he wouldn't give a mean feedback. "I should have stopped myself."

"Even so, that was very inappropriate. " Gumball took a blanket covering his mouth.

Marshall lowered his head fiddling his fingers.  He was scared that all those flirting would be worthless after this. He's been trying to get him for a week now. Specifically it started when they were in the bathroom together.

"Can we-" Gumball stuttered. "..d-do it a-again?" He blushed looking into Marshall's eyes.

"What?" He asked even though he understood it he made sure he wasn't making up words in his head.

"Don't make me say it again." He looks away hiding his knees under the sheets.

Marshall chuckled placing his hands againts Gumball's cheeks tracing his jawline pulling his face closer.

Gumball tried to resist by pressing his lips together and slightly pushing away from his grip. Marshall didn't mind if he was resisting, he knew he wanted it now, not ever.

It was infact Gumball's idea, even though he wanted to stop, he wanted Marshall to be with him tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, forever.

He let Marshall take over making him pull their lips together, their lips touch slightly as it continues to come closer.


"Bobelson! Where's break fast?" Bonnie knocked violently at the door.

Gumball nearly pushed Marshall off the bed after hearing Bonnie's voice.

Good thing she didn't come in this time, if she did. Well, the matter gets terribly wrong.

"Coming Bonnie," he yells potting his feet down at the floor slipping them into his fluffy shoes. "Go ahead and watch Bunnie Mctooth. "

Marshall laid on the bed chuckling how embarrassing it must've been if she opened the door.

"Hey, Marshall do me a favor. Please watch Bonnie, I fear she's going to watch Roger Battle again."

"Yeah, sure." He says jumping of the bed following Bubbs out the door.

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