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"Hello?" John hesitantly called to the dark, open doorway. "Is anybody there?"
Amy and John both expected to get a reply from someone. After all, doors don't just unlatch and open by themselves.
"I'm calling the police. Right now. I'm done with this." Amy started to walk for her cellphone on the dining table.
"Wait, stop walking..." John got closer to the basement doorway, cupping his right ear so that he could hopefully hear a little better. "Do you hear that?"
Amy stood motionless for a slight moment, listening along with John. "No, Baby. I don't hear anything."
Just as Amy picked her cellphone up to dial the Baileyville Police Department, another loud bang, similar from moments earlier, arose from the dark basement.
"Shit!" John jumped back quickly from the doorway.
Another loud bang. And another. And another!
"Get out of he-" John tried to holler, but without notice, his voice was forced into a whaling, painful scream.
Amy watched in horror as her fiancé was snapped in half, backwards, by an unseen force. John's body was then swiftly thrown into the basement.
"Somebody help us!" Amy sobbed as she ran for her front door.
She slung the door open to make her escape, but the unseen force slammed the door shut into Amy's face, knocking her unconscious.

Much time had passed while Amy lied in the floor knocked out. It was almost morning. When she finally came to, she realized that her vision was blurred from being hit by the door. She rolled onto her back, letting out a mutter of pain.
She could hear heavy, broad footsteps making their way towards her. Amy squinted her eyes, hoping to see a little better. She saw what was coming forth. "No... Please... No!"
     The unseen force began dragging her across the floor towards the basement. Amy tried fighting it by digging her nails into the wood, but it did no good. Her nails were torn from her fingers due to the pressure, leaving patters of blood in the scratches. As she got closer to the basement, she noticed the hammer that John used earlier lying in the floor. She grabbed it, hoping to use it as a weapon, but she couldn't see her attacker. Amy gave one last scream, the basement door slammed shut behind her, and then the house was quiet.

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