Chapter 33

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“Zack?” John asked as he turned the corner. Alex, Garrett, and Kennedy suddenly stopped right behind him and looked at Zack. He paced back and forth in the hallway.

“Zack, what happened?” Alex asked stepping closer to him. Zack ran his hands through his hair and glanced up at him. Zack shook his head in a daze and continued with his pacing. Alex stepped forward. He glanced over at Meg’s room and saw it was empty.

“Zack,” Alex said in a more anxious tone. He grabbed Zack by the shoulders. “What. Happened?”

“Meg…she…she started coughing then….”

“What? She started coughing then what?” Alex demanded nervously while he tried to keep calm.

“I don’t know…” Zack swallowed and looked at the guys as they stared back at him. “She just all of the sudden started to cough up blood and…” Zack looked down and shook his head. He moved himself from Alex’s grip and started pacing again.

All of the other guys exchanged worried glances and wandered into the hospital room. Alex stayed in the hallway with Zack, who was leaning against the wall with his arms tightly over his chest.

A nurse came strolling up to them, rubbing hand sanitizer in her hands.

“You’re here with Megan right?” she asked the two boys. They both nodded quickly. The nurse nodded and glanced down at a paper in her hand then back to them.

“She’s going to be just fine. We would like to keep her here for couple of nights, to keep track of her, but if she keeps doing well she’ll be out of here in just a matter of days,” she informed them with a kind smile. They both sighed with relief. Zack let his arms fall to his side.

“Thank you,” he said quietly. Alex nodded in agreement.

“It’s no problem. There’s cafeteria down stairs if you would like to get something to eat. Megan should be out in just a couple of minutes.”

The nurse smiled at them again before headed down the hallway. Alex walked into the room to tell the guys that Meg was going to be ok.

Zack looked down at the floor and a small smile formed on his lips. Meg was going to be ok….


“I really don’t need a wheel chair,” Megan mumbled as the nurse wheeled it into the room.

“Sorry, hun, but it’s our policy,” the nurse smiled to Megan. Meg gave a small one back and sat down in the wheel chair.

“You ok?” Zack asked, noticing the weird look on Meg’s face.

“Yep. It’s just sitting in this is kind of awkward, especially with all of you staring at me.” Everyone laughed softly and started leaving the room.

They got outside to Alex’s rental car. Zack offered Megan his hand, pulling her up gently. Garrett, Kennedy, and John had left a couple of days ago.

With Alex in the front seat, Zack helped Meg into the back and took a seat also.

“Drive safe!” the nurse called after them as they drove off. Meg crinkled her nose at the irony she found from that.

Zack wrapped his arm around Megan, pulling her close. She smiled as he kissed her head and Meg leaned into him. She looked down at her wrist with the cast and sighed.

“It’ll be off soon,” Zack said knowing exactly what she was thinking.

“I know.” Megan rested her head on his shoulder and let her eyes close.

Alex looked back at his friends through the review mirror with a smirk on his lips. Megan sat quietly with her eyes closed and leaning against Zack. He sat with his arm around her tightly and his chin rested on top of Meg’s head with his gaze out the window.

Meg felt good. For the first time in a while things were just the way she would like them to be, in Zack’s arms.


I updated twice becuase I wasn't able to yesterday when I told someone I would. So yea, two chapters! Sorry to say this but the next chapter is the end. I'm not sure if I'll update another story from my Quizilla or write a completely new one. Or both. Suggestions? 

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