King or Beast?

417 11 0

Vancouver 2019 New Years Day
Music sounds throughout the entire bar.
Glasses clinking. People dancing, cheering, drinking, partying, dancing.
    A blonde haired waitress behind the bar counter serving drinks. Maybe I should have a drink.
  "Well, hey there macho man, what can I get for you?"
   Licking my lips
  "Well, I would like a nice glass of you."
    "Oh, you're hitting on me, sorry, I'm taken, honey. Other option?" smart-mouthed reply from a bartender.
      "How about a new tune, this musics old."
     "Old? How would you know, you don't look so old, yourself."
    "Oh, trust me, I've been around a very long time."
   She swoons on the table to meet my gaze.
   "I never forget a pretty face." she replies.
   "I never forget a blonde. My last love was one, she abandoned me."
   "Break your heart? Sounds like you're gonna need the whole bar."
   "How about I show you what I want?"
   She smiles so much that her teeth come out from underneath her red lips. Her heart beats and the blood flow in her body is perfect; just enough to quench my thirst.
  Faster than the speed of cyclist, I grab her from behind and take a bite of her neck. She screams and everyone in the bar has their eyes on me.
"Dude, what're you doing?" a mans voice calls from the other side of the room.
   I let her go, she falls on the ground as a drained corpse. I turn around and show them my true face that I've been hiding behind my charismatic mask. They gasp and scream. Two young teenage girls try to run out of the room, but I cut them off just in time. Lock the door from behind. I look at the girl with the red eye mascara.
   "What's the rush? I'm only just getting started."
All the people are screaming and the music is getting lower and lower.
*Music cuts out*
   A shadow figure crosses into my domain, carrying with them a small flashlight, they can see the trail of bodies I've left scattered around like pieces of garbage; yes, well in the short lifetime I've had since I was reborn as what I am now, I've had a lot of cleaning up to do, this is just a distraction from everything that I've left behind; everyone I've left behind.
  "It's been a while." I greet him.
   "What's happened to you? In the beginning this was all because you lost something you loved deeply, but then it was to destroy them and now it's just one savagery after another. How could you have fallen so far?"
   "I never fell." my attention centres on him, I raise my finger and point in his direction.
  "No?" he isn't at all scared of me.
   "No! I made them fall! They took everything I held most dear and I took the, off the face of this world. I became more than them and I wasn't alone."
  "Not alone?! What you are is not a blessing, it's a curse, there are countless vampires, witches and other creatures out there all afraid of you, so what did you do? What did you do?! ..... killed them. You're just like him!"
   Like him? The one who called me his family; even once his son.
  "That past is far behind me, and I am nothing like them. I do what I have to, because I am now what everything in this world will worship!"
   "Worship? Haven't you seen what they see when they look at you? They run and hide in fear of you because you terrorised them, so don't think for one second that you are nothing like them, you are no better than him because you did what you had to survive, unlike him, who did his own deeds to protect his family. His daughter. You left him to suffer, and probably killed his family..."
   "I did kill his family, they're all nothing but ashes now."
   "You're wrong." he's almost sprouting tears.
  "What do you mean?" I ask puzzled.
   "After you tortured, maimed and hurt them, stories spread, and while the sirelines perish along with them, the Strix are still alive, what's left of them, at least." he has to be lying.
  "Ironic isn't it? That even in death, they found out how to stay alive. But now, you're just a monster that continues to preach and destroy all in the name of who made you what you are. You're the Beast." he finishes.
   Just as he's about to leave, I call out to him,
  "Josh!" I say his name.
    He turns back to face me, his flashlight is still shining. With every step I take toward him, he steps back. Glass and wood clacks and cracks, his heart is now pounding. I stop just right in the heart of his flashlight, my face still hidden in the shadows.
   "Are you saying I failed?" I say with beggars eyes.
   "I'm sure Davina would have been very proud of what you've now become, A Beast."
    Amusing, I smile and snatch the light out of his hand.
   "Oh, Josh... didn't you just hear me? I said I had buried my past, along with every single face that was part of it, and I am not just some beast."
   Josh's heart is beating sky high, which means there's only one thing for me to do now. Such a pity.

"My name... Marcel Gerard."
  *Flashlight off*

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