I cant get over it

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I'm so emotionally drained.
You can't really do anything to help me.
I feel so broken.
I feel so sad,depressed, alone, angry, hurt.
Telling me to just "get over it" won't help.
How am I suppose to just get over it?
How am I supposed to get over the times I had a breakdown?
Or the times I tried to kill myself?
  What about the times I cut myself and
  Watch myself bleed?
Or how much times I made myself skip a meal?
  The times I had a an anxiety attack
Because of my family problems?
Or the times I cried myself to sleep?
The times the voices in my head wouldn't shut up?
The times I couldn't  sleep?
  The times I looked in the mirror after crying and force a smile on my
  The times I tell myself I can get through this when I knew
  I couldn't?
Telling me to "just get over it" won't help
Because I can't just "get over it".

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