I'm sorry

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Dear parents, I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment,
I'm sorry I can't achieve good enough grades for you.
I'm sorry I get into trouble, I'm sorry I won't ever live up to your

Dear lover, I'm sorry I'm never good enough,
I'm sorry I'm not the perfect girl with the perfect pair of
tits and ass.
I'm sorry I have trust issues and make everything always harder
For you even when I try to make it easier.

Dear friends, I'm sorry I didn't try hard enough to maintain our friendship, I really think you'll be better off without
I'm sorry I'm not there when you need me.

Dear teachers, I'm sorry always fell behind every in your classes,
I'm sorry I wasn't ever the smartest student.
I'm sorry when I blank out and start having thoughts and you point me out as a distraction for not paying attention.

Dear people at school, I'm so sorry I'm wierd and stupid.
I'm sorry I don't fit in and that I'm not popular,
Sorry I'm not pretty like you.

Dear myself, I'm sorry that I was ever born,
I'm sorry I hurt you,
I'm sorry if I put you down,
I'm so fucking sorry I made you miserable,

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