Why here?

11 1 0

~Holland's POV~

Ameria's bowl of cereal dropped to the floor. 

"REALLY?!?" She squealed, "I'll finally be able to fit in, the regular girl." she smiled. 

All the life was sucked out me. I can't and I won't leave. 

"No." I spoke bluntly. 

"Excuse me?" My mom said. 

"I said no. N-O. I have a life here I'm not going to leave it." 

"You have no say in this young lady. NOW START PACKING." 

I stopmed up the stairs wih tear filled eyes. How can she, it's my life. I had finally reached my room. Laying on my bed I looked at my ceiling. How they were filled with stars, each and one of those stars had all my wishes. My dad painted them when I was 12. Now all those dreams are crumbling right at my fingertips.






I had finally finshed my packing. My room looked empty, I looked around my bed and it frame sat lonely in the corner. All my posters and bdding were in my two other bags. And my music recording things I had in it;s own baag. My mom took our phones, and basically smashed them. So the council had no way of finding us. We had money in a back up account. We use regular devices and american money. But we live high in the mountains a giant cloud of mist covering us. So it's quite moist around here, moist and cool. 

Walking downstairs, my mom and Ameria were both waiting for me. Ameria was smiling so hard that it looked here cheek muscles would tear. I don't want to leave. The feeling of leaving Mandy behind is just way too much for em to handle. SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. 

"A new life. New start. Doesn't that sound nice girls?" my Mom asked. 

"You bet." Ameria replied. 

"No." I replied glumly. 

A new life, a new group of friends. A whole new world. (ALLADIN xD) That sounds horrible.






"We'll take it." my mom said.

They house was horrible. It was a one story with 4 rooms. I know you're thinking Well, what's so bad about that?    Well, it's in the middle of a dry hot desert. I need to be in the moist nice cool areas. The only good thing about this house is the pool. Other than that, I can't stand this place. 

My mom said she'd give me the extra room so I can record my music. My room was finally set up. It had brown and a greenish blue color. Which fit in with my comforter and it's bed set. My laptop was set up in a desk. All decorations hung up. Taking some black paint I painted my graffiti drawing that took me about 2 hours to draw on my wall. Ghost Town was written on the walls. My room looked nice, but it felt completely empty. No memories, no love. Just a safe haven. Nothing more nothing less.

"Ameria, Holland! Come eat!!" My mom yelled. 

I slumped my shoulders and yelled down the hall, 

"NO! My inner angel is going to die! What's the point of trying to stay alive?!" 

"Oh trust me hon, you're nothing close to an angel!" Ameria scoffed. Walking past my door.

"Last time I checked, I'm the one who carried the gene, not you!" I barked following her into the kitchen.

"If being an angel, is being a drunk pot head count me out." 


I zoomed out of the house and ran. Not even know where I was going. Yes, I am an angel, genetically of course. I am no angel at all. I ran into a hard figure. 

"Sorry." I mumbled, looking up I saw the boy from the cave. 

"It's fine." He replied, " I've never seen you here. Are you new to this town?" 


"Where'd you come from?" 

"God, you're making me sound like an alien." I muttered, even though I was one. 

"No, I meant like where did you live before here?" 

"Ummmm-Oregon." I answered quickly.

"Wow, a little on the shy side I see." 

"Yeah, I guess." 

"I never got your name.." 

"Holland, Holland Green." 

"The names Harry, Harry Styles." 


"Well, Holland. It was nice conversing with you, but I've got to run." 

"Tell me about it." I mutter lowly.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. Thinking loudly yeah-BYE." 

Hopefully, he doesn't reconize me. I can't let anyone know my secret, that'll put me in MAJOR danger. Not just for me, but for my whole kind.

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