Chapter Four: Soul Mates

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Niall's Point Of View 

When I woke up, I felt a strong pair of arms around me. I quickly sat up and noticed I was outside. How? 

"Niall?" I heard Liam mumble. He sat up next to me and rubbed his eyes. 

"How.. why are we outside?" I asked, pushing his arms off me and standing up. He took up, also. 

"I went to get you for breakfast but you wern't in your room and I found you in the garden. You were in your angel state, and some weird stuff happened. Then you fell asleep with me holding you," Liam said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I blushed awkwardly, and started walking back to the school. I once again climbed the tree and in the window, and Liam followed with ease. I was surprised, to be honest. 

"I didn't expect you to be able to climb so good," I said. Liam shrugged. I dismissed the thought and dived into my bed, but I never hit the sheets. I was floating about a foot above the bed. 

"Uh.. Liam?" I called. He was staring into space but as soon as he looked at me I fell back into the bed. My skin started to glow and tingle and I groaned. 

"Liam you messed up my energy," I complained. He laughed and gave me a confused look. 

"Sometimes my energy is affected by magic or other people's energy and you can see my aura," I explained.

"You're weird, Niall. I like it," Liam said, before winking and walking out of my room. He closed the door and I heard him walk down the hall way. A surge of butterflies rushed through my body and I put my hand of my chest. 


"Calm down, Niall. You are probably going to explode if you don't," I whispered. I covered my face with my hands and groaned. It took a few minutes, but once I collected myself I got up.

I took my clothes off and hopped into the shower, turning the water on medium heat. I washed my body and hair, then turned the water down to cold. I watched as the droplets raced down my skin and dripped onto the tiles.

The water drops race to get to the bottom, just to mix into the crowd. Just like people. We are always trying to be ahead of the game, and trying to grow up faster, when in the end we are just another person in the sea. Maybe we should slow down, enjoy being an individual person, before its too late. 

I turned the water off and got out, drying off and changing into black skinny jeans and a maroon sweater. I put my hair into a quiff, then brushed my teeth and put my prescription nerd glasses on. I slipped on my white vans and checked my outfit in the mirror. 

When I was content with how I looked I walked into the kitchen. Harry was eating a sandwich, Louis was sitting on the counter playing with his phone, and Zayn was watching tv.

"Where's Liam?" I asked. 

Harry looked up at me and gasped. The other boys didnt even pay attention. "Uh.. what?" I questioned, becoming nervous. 

"Y-you.. you.. your hair and.. eyes.." Harry was stuttering and I groaned. Not again. 

I turned and ran into the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. My hair was blonde, and my eyes were gray. I was half in the angel-state. I once read that an angel will turn half-state if their soul mate was around.. but who would my soul mate be? 

Harry stood in the door way and stared at me for a couple seconds before speaking. "Sorry I got freaked out, I am just not used to it. Wait til you see me as a were wolf.. That is something to be scared of," he said. 

"No its okay.. I am shocked myself," I reassured. He patted me on the shoulder and nodded, understandingly.

"We have our first class tomorrow, maybe someone there can help you figure out all this angel stuff." After Harry said that he walked back into the kitchen. I waited until I was once again fully human before following, and noticed Liam was now in the living room.

I smirked and sat on his lap, causing him to chuckle. "Hi there little angel," he whispered in my ear. I felt his warm breath on my neck and shivered. Liam just smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. I tensed a bit before relaxing, and I leaned into him. 

"Niall your hair and eyes changed again," Harry said from the kitchen. 

I blushed and looked at Liam, and he looked at me. We were a mere 4 inches apart. "Sorry about that," I whispered, referring to my half mortal state. 

"Don't apologize, I think its cute," he said, just as quietly as I did. 

I swear I saw him lean in a bit, but I couldn't be sure because Louis suddenly waved his hands in front of us.

"Guys, lunch is ready," 

I pulled away from Liam and stood up. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. 

"I'm not sure what happened, but you suddenly became a lot more social. I like it," Zayn admitted. I nodded, smiling. I glanced at Liam for a second, and he caught my eye and smiled. 

I replied, still looking at Liam, "Even though we have only been here for two days, a certain person has sparked a flame inside me. He helped me somehow, I'm still unsure of what happened, but I am happy now." 

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