Chapter Six: Blood

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Liam's Point Of View 

"Liam I--" 

Niall cut off in the middle of his sentence and he slumped down to the floor. I almost started panicking until I realized that it would be better to stay calm.

"He is probably just tired, nothing to worry about," James reassured. 

I nodded and picked Niall up, holding him to my chest. Louis put a hand on my shoulder, and I noticed he was now in human state.

"He'll be fine mate," Harry said, smiling weakly. I nodded in reply. 

Class was over and we walked back to our room. I laid Niall on the couch and he let out a small whimper when I started to walk away. Is he awake already? 

"Niall?" I whispered. 

I got no response from him. I sighed and kissed his temple before walking back to my room. 

Niall's Point Of View  

As soon as I no longer heard Liam's foot steps I opened my eyes. I put my hand on my head where he had kissed it and smiled. He cares. 

I had woken up when he sat me down, but for some reason I liked him thinking I was unconscious. Maybe it was because I liked him being protective over me, or maybe I was hoping he would confess his love for me. 

"Stupid. He doesn't love you," I told myself. 

But do I love him? 

I have only known Liam a little while, but there is just this weird feeling I get when I'm around him. I always want to see him and be close to him, but at the same time I wish he would go away with my stupid hopes. 

I decided to go out and try and get some fresh air. I went out the actual door this time, not the window. It took a minute for me to find it though because I'm not used to leaving the dorm.

I walked out the front door and it was freezing. 

"What the hell, wasn't it just sweltering?" I asked outloud. 

Someone chuckled behind me and I spun around, shocked. I thought I was the only one out here. But to my dismay, Isaac was leaning against the wall with a cigar in his mouth and shades on. 

He ran up to me in a flash. His tall frame shadowed my shamefully petite body, and I had to looked up. Isaac hovered over me, he breathed on my face and it smelt like smoke and blood. 

"W-what do you w-want?" I stuttered, backing up a bit. 

He grabbed my shoulders and squeezed them, making me cringe. 

"Listen here, pretty boy. You're useless. All you do is fucking glow, and its no use in fighting. I'll kill you if you cross my path," Isaac hissed. His fangs slid out in a threatening manner. 

I laughed despite the panic attack I was about to have. "I can do more than glow." 

"You're just a stupid queer. Just because you are an angel doesn't mean you should get special treatment. You are fallen for a reason, and I am gonna make sure you get what you deserve," he spat. 

He shoved me on the ground and pinned my arms down. 

"W-what are y-you d-doing?" I asked, fear getting the best of me. 

Isaac didn't answer, just stroked my neck. "I have never tried angel blood," he whispered. 

"Wh--" I was cut off by a searing pain ripping through my body. I could feel blood being drawn from me, and I screamed. 

Isaac pulled away and ran, leaving me on the ground. I put my hand on the wound and winced, feeling the warm liquid seeping out. 

I can't become a vampire, no matter how much venom there is in me. I can die, of course, but I am ammune to evil powers. Even though I will heal, it still hurts in the mean time. 

I slowly stood up, and stumbled back into the school. Luckily the halls were empty and I was able to reach the dorm in no time. When I walked in, Harry and Zayn were sitting on the couch. 

"Niall? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Harry gushed, jumping up and running to me. 

"I smell blood," Zayn whispered. 

"Oh crap," Harry muttered. He turned to Zayn, "You can control yourself, right?"

Zayn nodded, weakly, but his eyes were red and he licked his lips. I noticed his fangs slid out a little and I gulped, taking a step back. 

"No, Niall. Don't move. You're bleeding," Harry ordered. 

"I'm fine!" I spat. They both looked taken aback but Harry still continued to examine my neck. 

"Are these fang marks? A vampire got you!" Zayn yelled, jumping up. I rolled my eyes. 

"Guys its fine. I wont turn into a vampire. Now let me go clean up," I said, annoyed. 

They looked at each other before nodding and backing away. I went to the bathroom and got a wet rag, wiping off the dry blood and then I put a large band aid over the bite. It wasn't that deep, thankfully. 

After I was done I changed into a pair of gray sweats and a white tee shirt. I went to Liam's room and knocked on the door. 

"Yes?" Liam called. 

"Can I come in?" I asked. 

"Yep!" he responded. I smiled and walked in. Liam was laying in bed watching the TV sitting on his dresser. He patted the spot next to him and I hesitantly sat down. "What's up?" he questioned. 

"Isaac bit me today. I'll be fine but.. I don't want you to worry," I mumbled. He gasped. 

"Niall! If he does anything else to you I'll rip his head off," Liam growled. It kind of scared me. 

"I-I'm fine," I whimpered. 

My fragile voice instantly calmed Liam. He looked at me with soft eyes and hugged me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get protective." 

I sniffed, and he pulled away. I cuddled into his side and he put his arm around me, pulling me closer. We stayed like that for the rest of the night, and eventually fell asleep. 



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