Gundham Tanaka

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Them Hamsters
     Ah, yes, the Four Dark Devas of Destruction. Gundham Tanaka's glorious pets that he was so oddly fond and proud of. He let no one else touch them, because foolish mortals could not even begin to comprehend the threshold of power they possessed.
     Though it was true that they were just hamsters, he refused to believe that they were anything less than extraordinary. That's why, through immaculate planning, he kept them safe and secure from everyone else in slight fear that they may try and kill his "foul beasts".
     That didn't stop you though. You were one to challenge the odds, to fight against what everyone else wants or stands for.
     If you were assuming you had a badass talent, you're going to approve of this. You were the Ultimate Anarchist, more commonly referred to as a 'Freelancer' although that didn't really fit at all. You liked to call yourself a 'rogue', but what's in a name? All that mattered was that you didn't follow the rules.
     That being said, you were going to

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