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"Isn't there a morning at this place?! Its so dark!"Chris complained as he gaze into the dark skies.

"Morning... Yes,there's no morning in this place... This place is the place of sorrow, where darkness lie, where light has never shone..."I replied, sighing...

"I think we should find a place to stay!"Chris said as he got off his hoverboard.

I look at an empty house which seems really comfortable to live on,"Chris..."i called him while pointing at the house,"what about that?"

"...hmm... Seems great! Come on!"We hurried into the dark,and empty house...

It smells weird but this is a great place to stay, for only a night...

"This place smells like somebody died in here!"Chris said, covering his nose as he get disgusted by the smell.

"What do you expect? This place is a ghost town. Somebody might have died here either!"I walk around the room, covering my nose as well.

My eyes were fixed on A wooden cabinet. It doesn't seem much fishy to me... But its really suspicious... Who would left it open?

Somebody must have gotten in here before us...

"Chris..."I held his shoulders, hiding behind him as i pointed on the cabinet.

"What's wrong? Its just an open cabinet..."Chris shrugged as he took my hand and remove it from his shoulders.

"Doesn't it look suspicious to you? That cabinet is... Open... Somebody must have gotten in here! Look around you! Everything is close except for that one!"I explained..

I'll be honest, im not that brave... And now im panicking a bit...

"Oh come on Joy... It maybe just be broken? You wouldn't know"Chris rolled his eyes and closed the window, lit up a candle, and place it in the middle of the room.

Wind began making noises, like a tornado...



I just stared at the cabinet... I wanted to see what's inside...

So i stood up, and walk slowly to it...

I closed my eyes tightly, as i Slowly peeked in the cabinet...

And saw...


Why isn't there a single thing inside?

A clue?


"So what did you see? Nothing right!"Chris said.

"Then somebody must have took the thing inside this cabinet!"i turned to him, glaring at him...

Then suddenly, the thick curtains from the other room, started to move... But there is now wind nor a window in that room.. Not even in the hallway...

"Ch-Chris..."I step away, i can only hear my footsteps, and the sound of my breathing...

"Arghh Joy, it's just broken... Go to sleep..."Chris continued to sleep, as he was so tired...


Its not only me or Chris who is breathing...

There is another...

They are many...

They are a family...


Whose house is this?!

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