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I peered at the Man's necklace...

And noticed that it was the third fragment for Superbook!

On the other hand,I think Chris has also seen the fragment in the man's necklace.

He grab an umbrella,and tried to Stab him with it...

But he still remains invincible,maybe because of the fragment.

"Joy,any plan?"Chris asked nervously, voice cracking.

"Well first step,try to get the fragment then stab him!.. But first,i'll distract him! You get that fragment!"I run towards the door, and distract him

Chris tried to Chase him,but it seems like everything's not... Turning out that good the way i planned it...

Chris, was scarred as the man slashes his sharp nails on Chris' cheeks.

Blood was dropping all over...

"Chris! Now!..."Chris took the fragment immediately,and he stabbed the Man alot of times!

"Die!!! Die!!... I won't let you live!!"And the man,fell down at the floor,slowly disappearing into dust...

Chris catches his breath, and he smiled at me as he found the fragment...

But then, Satan suddenly kicks the door open, Looking at Chris,and taking the fragment with his magical energy..

"You think it is that easy to take the third fragment huh?... Well guess what?... You already have it... But then... Lost it once again..."Satan made the fragment disappear..

"No!!!... Grrr.. Why... You.."Chris was about to stab Satan.. But Satan disappeared,leaving an evil laugh...

The Orb shines its way again...

Heading to the second floor...

Chris and I,slowly ascend on the Stairs...

I saw Chris,eyes tightly closed... As if enduring some pain..."Chris?... Are you alright?.."

Chris' eyes shot opened as i turned to him,"oh..uhh.. Yeah... Its just that... I dont know... If were gonna survive..."

Chris' hands are inside his Jacket, and he stared at me,tears almost falling...

"Are... You really okay?..."I asked worriedly,i stared at his brown eyes,turning pale...

"Yeah..."he look down and sighs..."lets keep going..."

We continued upstairs...

The 2nd floor was filled with blood and Tree roots as well...

How did the roots reached the second floor?..

The path disappeared...

And we continued to find the Fragment...

"The wish..."... What's that?

"Did you hear that?"i looked at Chris,shocked from what I asked

"Hear... What?..."Chris listened closely

Chris didn't hear a thing?..

Maybe i was just hallucinating...


There it is again!!.. what is happening?

We continued walking,and i didn't mind the voices i am hearing... It's killing me...

"Shouldn't have... Done... The wish... In the first place... Silent... Wishes..... The secrets... Of this place... Hidden... Beneath... The Device... The Wish... One... Shall die... The request... The.. Favor.." The voice slowly fades away...

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