Truth #3

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Feathertail- Spottedleaf isn't here, she is still with Firestar! Well she better come soon but I don't think so. Hmm I want to go watch but truth first. Bramblestar has a truth saying who does Crowfeather like more? Leafpool, me, or Nightcloud? Well let's get them in here! *4 cats tossed in*

Crowfeather- Now what?

Feathertail- You got a truth from Bramblestar, who do you like more? Leafpool, me, or Nightcloud?

Crowfeather- Ugh hmm... * she-cats waiting impatiently by him*

Leafpool- I have to get back to herbs!

Feathertail- Stop being impatient Leafpool!

Leafpool- Well sorry your now the one with a pawful of th-

Crowfeather- If you don't stop talking I won't give you an answer!

Feathertail and Leafpool- She started it!

Crowfeather- I don't care who starts it unless it has no end!

Nightcloud- Be quiet and let him choose already!

Crowfeather- Not helping oh I got an idea!

Feathertail, Leafpool, Nightcloud- WHAT?

Crowfeather- Never mind you continue and I will do so too.

Nightcloud- You two be quiet and let him think! You two are noisier than a pack of dogs! Hey wait a minute! *Crowfeather charges out quickly* why does he have to think?! Where'd he go?

Leafpool- Finally I can get back to work!

Feathertail- Not yet he still has to answer!


Crowfeather-*panting hard* Oh good their not here! *the 3 she-cats come* What?

Feathertail- Please answer it for the show!

Crowfeather- What no way am I going to do that!

Feathertail- It's for a good cause I mean I don't want to send you to the dogs I mean they're hungry!

Crowfeather- Send me to the dogs!

Feathertail- No please! *bowls him over pinning him to the grassy ground*

Crowfeather- Could you get off?

Feathertail- Not til you answer.

Crowfeather- Fine umm... I love... you more.

Feathertail- Umm did I say that they would have a date to whom he chooses?

Nightcloud- Off of him!* launches herself against Feathertail. Leafpool leaves frustrated.* You are NOT his!

Crowfeather- Hey stop fight before I break into it!*bares teeth*

Nightcloud- Yea Feathertail! Stop it!

Feathertail- Off me! *snaps at Nightcloud*

Nightcloud- What did you just do? Did you just try and bit me? Well as far as I can tell I can beat you in one claw!

Crowfeather- *pounces at Nightcloud pinning her to the ground* NO ONE IS GETTING HURT! Especially Feathertail!

Nightcloud- Have it your way but don't go out with her! She's a waste of your time!

Spottedleaf- What in the name of StarClan is going on here? Crowfeather get of her! *Crowfeather hisses*

Crowfeather- You can't tell me what to do!

Spottedleaf- LISTEN! To me!

Crowfeather- That's not working!

Spottedleaf- Firestar do you mind helping? Wait what am I doing this will just turn to chaos! Toms never do anything with out a fight!

Firestar- Did you call me Spottedleaf?

Spottedleaf- Never mind forget it.

Firestar- Crowfeather what in the name of StarClan are you doing?

Crowfeather- Stoping a fight! Why do you always have to come in! No one ask for your good deeds so you say!

Firestar- Do not make fun of me!

Crowfeather- Oh no I should be scared! Wow how are you going to stop me?

Firestar- Like this! *leaps at Crowfeather pinning him down. Crowfeather batts him in the stomach. Firestar lets go letting a low growl slip. Crowfeather reached up to cuff his ear*

Feathertail- Stop! This is not a fight arena! *both toms separate* I will not be with anyone who will fight to win. Now you two apologize!

Crowfeather, Firestar- *mumbles* sorry.

Feathertail- Ok that's solved Crowfeather apologize to Spottedleaf. That no way to treat a medicine cat!

Crowfeather- *mumbles*Sorry.

Feathertail- Now t-

Crowfeather- That's it! All my apologies are gone!

Feathertail- To Nightcloud and me. To Nightcloud because you hurt her and to me because now you are embarrassing me in front of all these watching cats!

Crowfeather- *hisses*Sorry

Feathertail- That's better, now *twines tail with Crowfeather* we can go. *leaves with Crowfeather*

Spottedleaf- Bye! Who knew a truth can cause so much trouble!

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