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Sqaishey's P.O.V

I have never been this happy in my whole life. I was just a regular fan, and now i am meeting Stampy. No, it is not only meeting him, it is staying with him for a month! I can't believe it.

Stampy is really a fun and cool guy. I love his cute laugh and his messy brown curls. I thought and thought. Wait what?! Sqaish you can't be falling in love with him! He would never like you!

At the same time, a notification popped out.

Stamps: Sqaish, your ticket is in three days, see you then! 💛

Immediately i realised the heart. A heart? Does Stampy like me too? No, it can't be. I gave him a quick reply. Snapping out of my thoughts, i went on and started packing my things.

Two days later..

Stampy's P.O.V

Video call from Sqaishey Quack

"Hi Sqaishey!" I exclaimed as her face popped out on the screen.

"Hey Stamps! I am so excited to meet you tomorrow!"

"I am more than excited Sqaish! And there's one thing i haven't told you!" I replied, giving her a smile.

"What!" Sqaishey exclaimed.

"You will be meeting Amy, Squid and Netty as well!" I answered her.

"What?! This must be a dream! I am a big fan of them as well!" She exclaimed, grinning widely.

"Stamps! What'cha doing over there?" I heard Squid's voice.

Squid ran beside me and stared at Sqaishey.

"Squid! Hi Squid!" Sqaishey exclaimed.

"Squid, this is Sqaishey. My uh... Friend. She'll be coming over here to stay," I told Squid.

Squid gave a cheeky grin before saying hello to Sqaishey and running off.

We talked for a little while before Sqaishey had to go. I sat on the sofa sipping some tea. Squid came and sat beside me.

"You like her, don't you?" Squid said, giving me a cheeky grin.

"What? Who? Sqaishey? N-no," i replied.

"Come on Stamps, i can see that you like her."

"Alright fine. I do like her. Don't bother me i never bother you with Nicole." I snapped.

"Okay mate," he replied, still grinning.

Sqaishey's P.O.V

Three days later..

I pulled my luggage and exclaimed," Bye mum! See you in a month!"

I walked and sat in the cab. It was a 30 minutes ride to the train station. Stampy said that he would be there to pick me up.

Arriving at the train station, i bustled through the crowd finding where i should go. Soon enough, i boarded the train and went on the long ride.

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