If you chose B

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I get a message. Its Min Yoongi telling me to come to the locker room. But I decide not to go. But I message him back. ' I hope your hand is okay. But I think you should do the interview with someone else. Sorry.' Yugyeom looks at me. " Do you have to go somewhere?" " Huh?" I look up at him. " Oh, no. What's that secret you were talking about?" He leans in and whispers in my ear. " This isn't the first time we met." I look at him. " What does that mean?" He leans to whisper in my ear again, " That's.... A secret!" The he gets up and started running away laughing. " Hey!" I chase after him. He starts going up the stairs and then hurts himself. Then I stop and stare. " See! I told you, you get hurt when you're with me." He gets up and does a dance move. " I fooled you!" I look up. " Hey! You really scared me!" then he starts running away again. I chase him down the hallway. He went down the stairs, and I was about to when.. Son Hyun Woo came up the stairs. We just stood there looking at each other for a minute. Then I remembered the first time we met. We were the last ones on a bus one time. I was upset and telling myself not to cry. " Don't cry Nam Kim Joon. You did nothing wrong. So let's not cry. Let's not cry." Then I started crying. " Let's not cry." We just sat in our separate seats for the rest of the ride. Then we got off at the same bus stop. He looks up. " It's cold." I start walking away. " Hey!" I turn around. " Do you want to eat some spicy rice cakes?" He walked me over to the truck selling them. " May we have an order of spicy rice cakes please." He hands me a drink. I look up. " Can I have a seaweed roll please." He looks at me. " And a seaweed roll too please." He goes to take a bite and burns himself. I just laugh.
" It's been a while." I look up at him. " Have you been well?" " yes." " That's good." ""Transfer.."" " Yes. I transferred here yesterday." " Oh, I see." " Well, I have to get going." I turn around and walk away.
{Son Hyun Woo flash back} Me and my friend are standing at the entrance of a school. My friend has a picture of a girl that I met one night at a bus stop. " Dude! I said let's just go." "Just stay put! This uniform belongs to this school!" " We've been doing this for the past few days. People will think we have nothing better to do!" " But we don't have anything better to do. If she finds out what the almighty Son Hyun Woo has been doing she would be impressed! You're suffering because you couldn't ask her for her number. What would you do without me." Then I saw her. And hid the picture that I drew of her.
{Nam Kim Joon Present day} I was in my room drying my hair when I remembered something. Then I look in my bookshelf and pulled out the picture that Son Hyun Woo gave me. I didn't even know I still had that. But seeing him today made me remember.
I was sitting in class when I sneezed. Everyone around me moved their desks away from mine. Then I hear the girls in front of me start talking about how they were glad that Min Yoongi wasn't here so I couldn't get him sick. " Damn that Nam Kim Joon." The teacher turns around and throws his chalk at them. " Be quiet." I start writing my notes when I hear my name being called from outside. I look and its Yugyeom. Is he crazy? " Come out here! Come play!" I tried to tell him to stop. Then the teacher called my name. " Yes?" " You can go." " Excuse me?" " You can go outside." " Really?" He turns around. " Yes. You can go outside the classroom and rise your arms." The class chuckles. " Oh." Then I leave the class. I'm standing there and Yugyeom walks up to me happily. I look at him. " Hey! This is all because of you." " You weren't going to sit there and study anyway." " Is skip class and dance all you do?" " Of course there aren't enough hours in the day to dance!" Then he started dancing. " Go! You're going to get me in trouble if I get caught." " Why aren't you tired of standing out here alone." Then he snaps his fingers and starts dancing again. Then I start dancing with him. Then The bell rang. He looks at me, " Enjoy your lunch Kim Joon!" I realize I need to be back before my teacher comes out. " Kim Yugyeom this is all your fault!" Then I try to make it back before my teacher comes out but I didn't make it. He saw me. " Nam Kim Joon!" Then he just walks away. Sanha comes out of the classroom. " Gosh Nam Kim Joon you mess around even when you're in trouble. " Go rest in the nurse's office. I'll let teacher know." So I went to the nurse's office. Then I hear people in the other room. One of the dancers hurt himself. " You got hurt because of me." But they didn't hear me. The others left but I heard Yugyeom speak. " Kim Yugyeom!" He looks over the wall at me with a smile on his face. " Ah, Kim Joon!" " You got hurt back then didn't you." " I got caught." He takes off the headphones he always wears and lays son in the bed next to mine and looks at me. " You know, my second dream just came true." " What was it?" " Lying next to a beautiful girl like yourself, and looking at each other." I sat up. " Hey, Stop messing around Yugyeom." Then he sat up too, smiling. " Hey! Your face turned red!" " What! No it didn't!" I started fanning my face. " If I knew you were sick I wouldn't have messed around with you. I'm sorry." " It's not your fault I got a cold. But because of me.." " It wasn't because of you." " Huh?" " Me getting injured. It's not because of you." Then we heard the door so we sat there quietly and we saw someone's feet beneath the curtain. " Kim Joon. I came because I have something to say. I feel like today is my only chance. The reason I couldn't make it that day... I was in an accident. I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise. But I remember you were going to tell me something that day... What was it?" " That day.."

B1.) Draw back the curtains and meet Son Hyun Woo
B2.) Don't draw back the curtains for Son Hyun Woo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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