23.| Smith 2.0

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Mac and I had the younger smith exactly where we wanted him, right under our thumbs.

He was due in town for his brothers funeral, which, in light of our revenge hunt, we were attending.

With a little help from a drugged up beauty school flunkie, my funeral disguise was complete.

I had a short brunette wig, heavy makeup and sunglasses to shade my baby blues.

Mac didn't care to disguise himself, the families paths had crossed enough for him to show up without drawing suspicion.

I listened to the lies of the family and friends before I watched them lower the coffin, what was in it, I'd love to know, because I'm pretty sure we toasted him to a crisp.

I kept my eyes on his asshole of a brother, sobbing and boo hooing to everyone he could for pity.

So sad, too bad.

After the false display of character finally ended, Mac and I waited for everyone to leave.

Following James to wherever he was going.

"I think I'm gonna cut it off" Mac said suddenly, at a stoplight.

"What?" I asked amusedly.

Him and his random outbursts.

"His fuckin' dick, I'm gonna cut it off!" He yelled like it was bingo.

"Gross" I mumbled, digging through his dash for my long lost ChapStick.

"No." He gave me a glare, "What he did to you was gross"

He had a point. I should've bitten it off or something, but the fact remains that Daniel was right and I'd given up.

"Whatever floats your boat" I said applying the half melted ChapStick to my dry lips.

"I could just shoot him in the dick or something'" he debated, he actually looked really deep in thought.

"Yeah, or not" I laughed, I honestly would prefer he not do either of those disgusting things.

We were creative enough, we would figure it out.

When he finally turned into a driveway we kept driving.

I looked to see what the place was.

Another run down warehouse.

What the fuck?

Mac doubled back and whipped his truck right in, blocking James' car in its spot.

"Let's get this show on the road, kitten" He stated, reaching under the seat and tossing me my crowbar.

I shook my hair out of the wig, keeping on the dress and heels and tossing the glasses into the seat.

Those would be useful later.

We walked up just as James got out of his truck.

"Who the fuc- oh shit" He exclaimed, he looked ready to run, but as always Mac had other plans.

"Where ya goin in such a hurry? Don't ya wanna see yer big brother?" Mac grunted, grabbing him in a headlock.

I wouldn't hold back with this one. I threw punch after punch, stopping once to send a few good kicks to where the sun don't shine.

Mac let him go, he fell instantly to the gravel, groaning and holding his jewels.

"Poor fuckin baby" Mac faked remorse, "Ya gonna cry?" He asked?

James shook his head, "Fuck you and your bitch" He spat, looking Mac dead in the eye.

Mac kicked him across the face, causing him to topple over once again.

"That slut was begging for my c-" Mac shut him up.

Not what I expected but it shut him up.

He straddled him, gripping his jaw to pop his mouth open, using his other hand he grabbed his tongue, pulling it out as far as he could.

He motioned for me to toss him my knife as he left his at home, I threw it gently to him, hoping he would catch the handle. He did.

He cut James' tongue right out.

Screams filled the air and I hoped we were far enough out that no one would hear because Mac wasn't done.

He had a lot of pent up anger at the last two in particular and I was not about to stand between him and his revenge. As long as they paid I was happy.

Even if Mac was the debt collector.

He pressed his knife against James face, pulling it down a few inches and then finding a new spot to "color".

His tongue stuck slightly out as he concentrated.

I looked at his masterpiece as he stood up.

It was then that I noticed he wrote 'Paid in full' in slice marks on his face.

He raised his knife up and plunged it into James' leg. Earning a gargled scream from his victim, before repeating his action on the other side.

"Light him up baby girl" He stated before he spit on James' face.

I went to the truck grabbing the liquor and match.

He and his brother could be twinsies.

I pured it heavily on his groin, noticing Macs smirk as he figured out what I was going to do.

I threw the match down and let his crotch burn.

His screams sounded more like a dying seal than anything else as I started to speak.

"May the lord forgive you, because I never will" I said my usual mumbo jumbo.

"And may the devil have mercy on your soul because I can't" mac said, kicking him one more time for good measure.

"Any last words asshole?" Mac grinned, we knew he couldn't speak if he wanted to, which was exactly why it was so funny.

"James Smith" I said his name out loud.

"Good fucking night!" Mac finished pouring the rest of the bottle over him.

We watched as the flames spread over him.

Mac turned to me, "come here baby girl"

I gladly obliged and ran to him, jumping in his arms.

He pressed his lips to mine and worked them magically in synch with my own.

I tasted his sweet liquor and cigarette taste as our tongues fought for dominance.

The burning asshole next to us became a distant memory as I melted into Mac, the love of my life.

An: Short, sorry.

But I love you all and things are soon to take an interesting turn.

Hey life can't all be sunshine and rainbows and perfect killstreaks.



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