28.| Distance makes the heart grow...Colder?

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They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, and now, I believe it.

"Not guilty" a smile spread across my face as Mac was freed.

He took a few big steps, allowing a smirk to take over his once sullen features, and he was in my arms.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him so tightly out of fear that he would slip away if not.

We had to follow Mac back to jail to get him processed for release, but I was in no hurry to let him out of my sight so quickly.

"I love you, Mac" I smiled into his shoulder.

I looked up to see the relief on his face, "I love you, too baby girl" He replied as he finally let go.

Jordan didn't dare to say a thing, and Tanner just never knew when to shut up.

"Good thing they let you out man, I was this close" he pinched two fingers together in front of his eyes,"to stealing your girl" he joked.

Mac however, wasn't amused.

"Shut the fuck up" He glared at Tanner who was giving him a sarcastic smile.

"Hey, I'm just saying she would've been all over me in another month" He smiled wider.

"I'd hate to have to go right back in that cell, but don't think I won't do it if you don't shut your trap" Mac warned.

The guards signalled for Mac that it was time to go, so I gave him one more quick hug before he left through the door he had been brought in through.

They had his cuffs back on, as a 'safety measure'.

It pained me to see him that way, but I couldn't actually blame them for following protocol, Mac truly was a loose cannon.

We followed them back to the jail where we would go inside and retrieve my boyfriend and his belongings.

Not that he really had much on him when they arrested him. Just his street clothes, wallet and some cash.

Mac signed a few forms and grabbed his things and we were on our way.

"I am going to stay at Macs tonight" I told Jordan as we drove.

"But its movie night" he protested, "Can't he just stay with us?"

I looked at Mac who was chewing on his thumb nail of his free hand, while the other rested on my thigh, our fingers intertwined.

"What?" He asked when he noticed me staring questioningly at him.

"Stay with us tonight?" I asked.

"Uh, sure" he replied confusedly, not having heard the first part of the conversation.

I had to wonder what was on his mind that was so entrancing.

Distant. That would seem to be the word to describe his attitude.

Hardly what I'd expected from someone who had gotten his life back just hours ago.

"Bye guys!" Tanner said as he walked toward his vehicle, still parked in my driveway from earlier that morning.

"Bye Tanner!" I yelled back, ignoring the small glare Mac sent me.

"Later" Jordan called, unlocking the front door.

Mac didn't say a word, just nodded and walked behind us into the dark house.

"Hope you like horror flicks" Jordan said to Mac as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

He typed on it for a few seconds, sliding it back in.

He and Kailey had been fighting for weeks, but I was sure he just texted her to invite her over so he wouldn't be third wheel.

"I do" Mac replied.

"Then you're in for a treat, I've got four" Jordan said with a grin.

"I'm going to change" I interjected,bored of their conversation.

I headed up the stairs and into my room.

I tossed the dirty clothes into my hamper on my way to my closet.

Slipping into a tank top and my fuzzy pants, o tossed my hair into a bun.

I brushed my teeth before heading back downstairs, which I immediately regretted when I smelled food cooking.

"Making pizza" Jordan answered my unasked question as I entered the kitchen.

"Yum" I said with a huff of breath beside his face, making sure he could smell my just brushed minty breath.

He chuckled lightly at my misfortune to the fact that my pizza would taste like grandmas attick.

"Haaa. HILARIOUS" I snarled, walking into the living room.

Mac was snoring lightly on the couch.

What is with him and couches?

I sat down extremely close to him, having missed his warmth for so long.

I nearly groaned when he shifted away, scooting further on the couch to create distance between us.

I could physically feel the absense of him beside me.

"Mac, what is wrong?" I asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"What's wrong with what?" He answered, with a question. Annoying.

"What's wrong with us?" I clarified, talking softly so Jordan wouldn't hear.

It nearly broke my heart when I heard him say, "I don't know, something"

What is the problemmmm?

Will they fix it?


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