Chapter 43: telling luke

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First I wrapped his Xbox one, then the games and controllers. I also wrapped a headset and stuff. The last present was the most important one, I brought a big box that had 'happy birthday' and stuff written on it. At the bottom of the box I put 2 white baby t-shirts, the 3 pregnancy tests and the two ultrasound pictures. I then put some new clothes on top of that for Luke to cover up the baby stuff.

I hid away his presents somewhere just in time because Luke and Tristen just arrived home.

"Babe! We're home!" Luke called

"Coming!" I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where Tristen came over and hugged me "did you have fun at uncle skips?"

"Yeah. Can I go play please mummy?" He asked

"Of course you can baby" I put him down and he run off to his bedroom to play

"Hey Babe" Luke came over and kissed me "what did you do today?"

"I told you, I went to buy your birthday presents" I replied.

"Oh yeah! I forgot" he laughed.

After watching a movie, we all took Jax to the park for a walk then came home and put Tristen to bed. Once he was asleep me and Luke watched another movie together then went to bed.

The next morning I woke up before Luke so me and Tristen made waffles for breakfast, Luke's favourite.
Just as we were setting out all the decorations a sleepy Luke came into the kitchen.

"Happy birthday babe" I gave him a kiss "we made breakfast"

"Mmm, waffles, my favourite" he sat down at the table opposite Tristen

"Happy birthday lukey" Tristen said "we got you presents for afterthought have breakfast"

"Thanks little man" he said

"Okay guys dig in!" I said.

After we ate, we all went into the living room to open Luke's presents. First I gave him the Xbox one.

"Holy shit! You got me an Xbox one?! Thank you so much baby" he said while hugging me "and thank you too little man" he said to tris

Next I gave him the games, controller, headset etc. He liked these aswell. The last present was the one with the baby stuff in it.

"I'm not sure if you will like this one but I hope you do" I said while handing him the big box

"Baby I will love anything that you get me" he kissed my head and opened the box

"Thanks baby, I needed new clothes" he said

"There's more in there" I said nervously. At first he took out the tests "what the fuck is this thing?"

"Keep looking in the box and you'll find out" I laughed. He pulled out the baby tshirts and finally understood what it was.

"Oh my god. We're having a baby?" He cried "I'm so happy" he hugged me and kissed me while crying.

"Look at the bottom, there's a picture in there" I said. He took out the picture and cried some more

"I'm so happy babe" he hugged me again "I'm gonna be a daddy"

"Why is lukey crying?" Tristen asked with a worried expression

"Because mummy's gonna have a baby" I said "that's a good thing"

"Where?" He asked

"Right here in mummy's belly, your gonna have a little brother or sister"I said. He got up and touched my belly

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