Chapter 7

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Olivia walk into the campus and greet everyone. 80% are friendly & 20% of it.. OFC mean! "Hey newbie. U know abt the Queen's Curse?I heard her child is here.That's so creepy." Sandra said , the pathetic princess of them all. "Um.. what's the curse that creeps u out?" Livy replied. Everyone's shocked & Livy? She's like a doll!

"What?.." Livy said. "U DONT KNOW THE CURSE?!" Sandra replied. Livy shooked her head. "The curse is... its all started like this :" one of the gang of Sandra told her.

Story of the Queen's Curse :

Long time ago.. 10/10/1990 .. the curse happens.

"Honey..What should we named her?.. Carrie? Branda?" the Queen said to her love , the King. He could just shook his head and laugh. Everything was a great..Until they went to a royal ball.


Royal Ball is a royal dance. The Royals are allowed to bring their mate. The Queen tried her dress for the ball and she smiled. "I love u , my child :)" she said to her stomach.

(On The Way To The Ball)

"Hmm..This dance is my last ones." the Queens said. The King looked at his wife and said "Last dance before we had this baby born , right(?) Hm.. Let's enjoy this dance."

45Min Before Approaching To The Ball

"Honey.. i don't feel right.. i think there's something wrong.." the Queen said. "Nonsense. Its just u're becoming a mom soon." her husband replied. She looked at her stomach & whisper "Soon i'll name u a good one.. My Child."

"I think we need to stop , your majesty..there's a massive bumps.." the royal coachmen said. The King was only focusing on the Royal Ball so he demand his 'slaves' "JUST GO! WE DONT WANT TO BE LATE!"

They went through those bumps and notice there's a huge problem. "Make it stop! Now!! We're going to die!!" the Queen shouted. but it was too late.They crashed though a big mountain.

"Hm... there there.. Its all fine." said a young woman to the Queen. She noticed that she doesnt have a big tummy and she asked "where' child?.." the young woman smiled and she pointed at the living room , where her child was. The Queen smiled and thanked her.


The Queen went to the castle to search for her husband. "Hello guards. Remember me? :)" she said. The guards nodded and smiled "welcome back." She ran to the throne room and saw her husband with another girl. Younger than her! (not involving s**) " HOW COULD U?!!" she shouted & she cried. She ran away. She lost everything she loves..Husband..Throne..Queen..

"Abodobu wenesmin qrueni asgatus! May they hurt , may they die. as long as i happy to be!" the Queen made her curse. But that curse cause her life. She died bc she was hit by a truck. "QUEEN!!" Katy the young woman who took care of her cried. "take care of my child..i cant take her to heaven with me :)" the Queen said. "i promise!" Katy replied. And she died. Her child doesnt. That curse is with her. The child.

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