Chapter 3 : The Meeting

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As though charmed, his legs brought him along the path that the music had carved. There stood the clock tower. Majestically, it shone, illuminated by the full moon. The wind picked up, carrying with it the scent of winter that continued to linger around his nostrils long after it had gone. Then came the sound of music that flowed naturally into the air. The notes were braided with anger, pain and hate; all of them blended together to create something with tremendous power. The notes floated about him, as if in search of some kind of solace which they had failed to find. The notes sang about oppression and dissatisfaction at how prejudiced the world was. It sang about helplessness and how it would remain relentless until the end of time, despite all the pain and agony that had to be endured. The notes played around his ears, singing with a voice that is so beautiful yet so painful at the same time. As his ears strained to find the source, he knew that it undoubtedly came from inside the clock tower.

 His eyes skimmed around the old building, touching the jagged surface once in a while, trying to find any signs of doors or passages. His effort though, had seemed to be fruitless. He had always got what he wanted, but now, as if he was being played cruelly by god, he could not locate the secret entrance regardless of what he did. And as a result, he was annoyed. So greatly annoyed.  

DAENG! The last note that resounded vibrated through the air. He was surprised at how it had carried a whole lot of resentment and hate. To whom it was all directed, he knew not. The song had ended abruptly, all the hatred filling the last note. In the ominous silence that followed, he waited, thinking that the musician would come out soon after. His prediction was right, as it had always been. At the end of the path which he had come from, he saw a girl's silhouette fading away into the darkness. Having a mind of its own, his legs started sprinting towards her.

"Hey." He did not need to shout; the night was quiet enough for her to hear him. At the sound of his deep voice, she turned around. Startled was she when she saw a man making his way towards her. Alarmed, she hastened her pace silently praying that he would not come after her. But what could she do, that was exactly what he planned on doing.

Seeing that she was about to flee, he effortlessly extended his long legs and in one swift movement he was in front of her, blocking her way. His gaze travelled to the girl whose path he had just intercepted. She was a tall, slender girl with chocolate brown locks that cascaded down her shoulders. Her two dark eyes ran so deep he found himself lost in those orbs. Her face displayed both shock and fear. And it was that that had brought to the realization of what he was doing. Yes, what was he doing? He just stopped a girl he knew nothing of because he had heard her play? And for God's sake he wasn't even sure if it was her who played!

But he knew better. He was not one that stepped down easily. He had come with something and he would not go with nothing.

"Was it you the one playing the piano?"

He asked, his eyes looking directly into hers. She felt cold and numb staring into his hard, lifeless eyes. Unease crept into her and before long it had engulfed her. She wanted to run away but as if an unseen force was holding her, she stayed rooted to the ground. Irritation crossed his face when she didn't answer his questions. He was about to ask her again with force that no one had ever dared to go against when a call interrupted him.

"Jiyeon! Park Jiyeon!"

He turned around and his eyes scrutinized his surroundings. When he saw nothing amiss, he reverted his attention back to her. But to his utmost agitation, she was no longer there. In that few moments of confusion she had ran away. Even though he was annoyed he couldn't help but to admire how she had escaped him without him noticing.

He had never felt this sort of inclination towards a person before. He was left more curious than he had ever been. He shrugged his shoulders before making his way home on that windy night. Their story had only just begun.



If you guys have noticed the pattern, I will be updating once a week. Well, if time permits. After writing this chapter, I finally realised how I love thiis couple. Heheh. :3 Well guys, enjoy! See you next week. :)

Voiceless CriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon