Chapter 17 : Promise

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Jiyeon’s phone vibrated. It was her habit to set her phone on silent at all times. She unlocked her phone and looked at the message. It was from Myungsoo. Her eyes glimmered in excitement as she scanned the text.

At work?

This was one of the rare times that Myungsoo texted her, although it was getting more frequent. Jiyeon typed back, her nimble fingers grazing across the screen.

Yeah, why?

Jiyeon tapped her fingers against the board, anxiously waiting for a reply. A few seconds later, her phone vibrated again.

I’m in the hotel.

Her face lit up. Jiyeon took this as a challenge—an indirect way to start a childish game of hide and seek. She adjusted her uniform—a sophisticated black blouse with gold buttons and a skirt—and went to fetch one of the trolleys where all her equipments were located. She pushed it out of the room. It was an hour before her shift started but she was just using the trolley as a disguise.

The elevator door opened and she hurried into the lift that was specifically put in place for the housekeeping staff. Her heart pounded; and somehow or another knew that this game was not hers to win. She quickly shook it off and belatedly pressed the 35th floor. She knew for sure that he was there. But what were the odds that they would bump into each other in the first few minutes she was there? It would not even surprise her if she were not to see him there for the whole time she was there. She meant that the whole floor was almost equivalent to three football field- note that the key word here was almost. Fine, maybe that was too exaggerated, but now you could roughly guess how big the place actually was. The lift finally opened and she strode out. Jiyeon rubbed her now sweaty palms. Okay, she was officially breaking rule number 12: “Do not wander aimlessly around the hotel with your trolley when you are not working.”

Great, maybe this rule was especially made for her.

Despite her racing heart, her steps slowed in reluctance as she turned around the corner. She did not think of this before, but what if she was caught? But then, she had come this far. Was it wiser for her to turn back or should she—

And there he was. Kim Myungsoo. His eyes: two perplexing dark orbs that glinted beneath their harsh countenance; the stark darkness of his hair, which fell right above his eyes perfectly; the litheness of his physique, which possessed an aura of authority. It was as if she was seeing him for the first time all over again.

Two guards trailed behind him, their faces revealing nothing but gruesome threats. Myungsoo strode along the corridor, as if oblivious to them.

His eyes shifted and he saw her. Myungsoo saw her.

She knew because a slow smile spread across his lips. The smile did not diminish his superiority, if that was even possible. It faded as quickly as it appeared. Jiyeon let a ghost of a smile linger on her own lips. The truth was: she missed him. She missed the way his coldness just dwindled away when he was with her; the wall he built between him and the society just lowered.

When he passed her, she swore he was so close she could smell the traces of his cologne, and sensed his body heat seeping into her own skin. Their hands brushed. A thousand electrical jolts rippled through her skin. Her blood rushed through her veins and her muscles tensed. She wondered if he felt it too.

His footsteps were already behind her and were getting further and further away by each second and she was left behind, too stunned to even move. That was the first time he got so close to her and it made her knees wobbly; her heart erotic and her mind hazy. She did not want to let this moment to pass. The footsteps were fading; disappearing down the hallway. And when she turned around, he was gone.

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