Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to to all my friends who are the insperation for my storys

65.5 million years ago there was a war between hunters and the hunted, every 300 years the strange creatures called Losenoid would come back and take a new form. But the evil witch queen, Mabel Skull-cruncher, placed an evil spell over the humans and the losenoid to where they would never live in peace...until.

F*"Hurry Roma we are going to be late!" I yell to my sister as we run through the forest back to our house, that we share with some friends. I'm Felicita, my twin sister, Romana, and I are mermaids. You're probably wondering how are mermaids able to be on land? My sister and I weren't always like this.

R*"I'm coming slow down please!" I'm Romana, my sister and I are really close; the only way you can tell us apart is by our hair. The color of a mermaid's tail is the same as their hair. I have pink hair and my sister has blue.

R*POV*Feli and I are suddenly knocked over by a strong force. Look up to see Nesma and Gilbert in the same position as Feli and I. Nesma is a Vampire and she is also my girlfriend, and that damn potato eater is my sister's boyfriend, a Fairy/Elf named Gilbert.



F*"Oww, Gilbert what the fuck!" I say groaning as I pick myself up from the spot I landed.

G*"Sorry babe. I didn't see you till it was too late." He helps me up then kisses me on the cheek, causing me to turn tomato red.

F*"It's ok I can never stay mad at you." I pull him into a hug. He pulls away slightly to lean down to give me a short passionate kiss.

R*"Nesma how are you not burning?" The sun may not kill vampires but they do get sunburn and sunstroke really easily.

N*"Frank hooked me up with some sunscreen for vampires. It is supposed to be 24-hour protection and waterproof."

F*"Where is Frank I haven't seen him for a while?" I ask the tall female dressed in black with purple hair. Suddenly a large shadow passes over us. I expediently recognize it as none other than Frank and his large purple and black dragon Briam. At first, I thought they were just looking for a place to land by our house which was only a mile north-east from here but they were flying north-west to The Dragon Shore. We decided to follow them because they usually only go there in the spring, when the sea dragons come up to the beach to lay their eggs. Once we got to the beach, we noticed why Frank was here. A dimensional rift has opened up and it looked like someone was falling from it, We all had to work quickly to save them. Briam is strong for his age but he can only carry more than one person for so long. Gilbert stretched his beautiful wings covered with big white feathers and flew to try to help carry the falling person. After they set the person down on the beach Nesma checked the person's pulse.

N*"She is alive. She smells human, for now at least. She has been bitten on her leg and judging from the size and shape I am assuming that it was an adult werewolf. She could shift at any moment. Her new werewolf abilities will kick in soon if we don't get this bleeding to stop or at least slow down. Felicita, Romana can you find me some silver spine coral, a sea sponge, oysters, and yellow seaweed. Gilbert fly back home and bring my emergency blood supply and make sure to grab the cooler with the big red O on it. Frank help me try to keep her stable." And with that, we all split up to find what we needed.

Okay, so I decided to change this story up a bit. The characters are all the same people I originally wrote them. I just changing the names and species a bit... Okay, most of the characters Ross is a new person now Gilbert who I plan to have as Dalton Rapattoni, I was going to leave Ross but then I figured I would help out Dalton since he is newish. Personally, I have been a Dalton fan for a few years now. Anyway, yeah I decided to work on this one again hopefully make it better. My best friend/ co-writer may help me out every now and then. Leave in the comments any suggestions you would like to see.

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