Chapter Two

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*Izzy POV*

Falling, waiting to hit the bottom. My life flashing before my eyes, an excruciating pain coursing through my body. And what's worse... I can't remember how I ended up like this, falling for what feels forever. The last thing I can remember was being attacked in the woods while my sister and I were checking for losenoids and looncans, I think I hit my head. Wait where is Mable? Is she even alive? I close my eye and wait for death to take me but I feel someone or something catch me, before I have a chance to look at my savior I black out again.

*Unknow POV*

Great with that stupid bitch gone I can finally put my plan into action. With her gone no one can stop me while I wipe out this pathetic world and return to my own. And I might just let Izzy's parent live to become my slaves. Hahaha dear Mother and Father would make for perfect pets.

*Back to Izzy*

I open my eyes slightly, blinded by the sudden light. After my eyes readjust, I look around to see where I am. The first thing I see is an giant tank... It kinda looks like one of the tanks you'd see in an aquarium, It has a bunch of colorful fish, a coral reef and... wait, IS THAT A FUCKING SHARK WHO THE HELL KEEPS A SHARK IN A TANK! (don't worry I'll post a picture of the room) most of the room is dark wood, and there is a dark wood desk with a seahorse lamp and a computer on it. Next to it Is a medium sized bookcase although a lot of the books look like picture books.(hehe yeah I did it I am adding manga into this story because a world without manga and anime is a world not worth living.) "Am I dead?"

G*"Not just yet." I jump and reached for my knife that I kept on my belt 'it was missing along with all my other weapons' I look over to see where it came from, two people are standing in the doorway. I'm assuming the one who said that is the male. He is average sized, he has blond hair although it doesn't look natural, and the eye liner her is wearing makes his bright blue eyes pop, and he has a slight tan. He is wearing a white shirt and a black leather jacket with studs on the shoulders, and black jeans. A girl is holding his arm . I'm  assuming she is his girlfriend. She has blue hair and is a little shorter than him maybe an inch difference. But the thing that threw me off was her tattoo, she was wearing a grey short sleeve V neck, so I could clearly see the blue hammerhead tribal tattoo on her arm. I've read about her kind in before but I have never seen one like her before. Merpods would mark their children when they turn ten with a family crest. It means that not only are they apart of that pod but are eligible for a mate, they mate for life unless the first one dies or rejects them before they finish the mating ritual, but usually if they get rejected they don't make it to find a new mate because the pain is so great that they kill themselves.

I*"Where am I? Who are you, you are losenoids aren't you?"

F*"Yeah, we are. And we saved you and brought you to our home. You're in my room, well my old room. I don't really use it anymore. I'm Felicita, but you can call me Feli." she said smiling at me kindly.

G*"I'm Gilbert, but you can call me Gil. Anyway, now that you're awake I'm going to let everyone know you're up. Are you going to tell her?" he says turning to Feli. She lets out a sigh and nods. "Good luck love." With a quick kiss, he leaves me with this Mermaid.

F*"What's your name?" She asks me as she walks over and sits next to me on the bed.


F*"Do you remember what happened to you?"

I*"My sister and I, when a portal opened near town. My family are hunters." She flinched a bit as I said the last part but said nothing so I continued."My sister and I went into the woods to make sure nothing came through, I was attacked by something and I don't remember anything else until I woke up falling but I blacked out again as someone caught me. My sister, Please did you see her?"

F*"I'm, sorry it was just you." she says, pitying me."Look, Izzy I have to tell you something. When we found you, you were badly hurt, you were bitten. My friend, Nesma said it was a werewolf. We were able to slow down the transformation process, but we couldn't cure you. I'm sorry. But at least since your body isn't going through the process as quickly, It will be a lot less painful, as long as you don't endanger yourself or get hurt to badly. If you do your body will start to speed up in self defence."

I*"I-I'm turning into a werewolf. You've got to be kidding me. I can never go back home now. My parents will KILL me, literally. I'm turning into what I've been training to kill my whole life. At least if my sister got away, my parents will probably think I'm dead anyway. What am I going to do." I didn't realize I was crying until Feli pulled me into a hug and let me cry on her shoulder.

F*"It's going to be ok. You can stay here if you like, you can even keep this room and redecorate it any way you want, just don't touch that window over there, if you do the room is going to become completely flood."

I* sniffling "Window? I thought that was a tank."

F*"Nope, that my friend is a window. We are currently under water, my sister and I carved our house into a coral reef that connects to Dragon shore ."

I*"Your a mermaid aren't you."

F*"I am, and so is my sister Romana. Gilbert is a fairy/elf hybrid, Nesma is my sister's mate, she is a vampire. Don't worry she mostly eats animals, but we keep a storeroom with human blood for emergencies. No humans were killed, we pay a blood-banks to give us some bags. Then there is Frank, he is a dragon rider. Briam, his dragon is really nice. So don't worry, think of us as your new family; your pack, just like you're the new member in my pod and Nes's clan."

I*"Where is your pod? You are marked so where is your family?"

F*"Dead. Hunters killed my pod shortly after my sister and I turned 12. We got away but we were the only ones, Nesma found us one day and took us in." she says sadly.

I*"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

F*"It's fine, it was a long time ago as long. As long as we still have the mark of our pod... I have hope. We will become a strong pod again. But for now it's just my sister and me, but it's ok because we have a new family now."

Wow, 1284 words oops. Oh well so what do people think of the changes I made, I'm feeling really good about this one now I just need to keep it up. I hope everyone enjoys this and as always I'm taking suggestions in the comments, and don't forget to vote and add so you know when I update the next part.

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