Yuya Goes Home

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For Yuzu it had started a normal day with her walk to the You Show Duel School that her father taught at, and quickly took a turn as she spotted a boy laying on the ground in front of the school.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed running up to him dropping her bag. As she starrred into his face framed with red and green hair, she gasped. "Yuya?"

Ten minutes later she sat by his side as Yuya lay on the couch in the main living room, his distraught mother shifting on the other side nervously.

"How is this possible Yuzu? I... got so used to being alone and now he's... back and so cute now too." I just eyed Yoko hoping this weird boy craziness was just a side effect of her sadness.

Starring at Yuya I was still quite shocked that he was here, after all he had been missing for three years now. After a while he began to wake up.

"Mom, mom!" He said with apparent shock.

"Yuya, Yuya you're home. You're back home." She pulled Yuya close to her in a hug. Tears spilling from her eyes.

"Yuzu, Mom what... what happened?" He asked uncertainly looking at the room around him.

"You disappeared three years ago along with your father before his championship duel. We been looking for you ever since then. It was like you had dropped of the face of the earth." I don't think I've ever seen anyone look as shell shocked as Yuya did in that moment.

What happened to him in those years? And what kind of uniform was he wearing? I thought to myself.

"Now that you're awake let's go home." Yoko helped an unsteady Yuya to his feet and looked at me. "Come help us get home will you please Yuzu?"

I nodded and grabbed Yuya left side while Yoko held onto his right and we walked cautiously outside and down the road.

"What's the last thing you can remember?" Yoko asked as we walked I have her a cautious look. I don't know much about amnesia but questioning him straight if doesn't seem wise.

"Remember seeing Dad outside the arena and following him around town and then a really bright light before I woke up on the couch." He replied his voice gaining stability and purpose.

"So you don't know about where you've been at all?" I asked again.

He shook his head dejectedly.

"It's ok, let's just get home and inside so you can get some sleep, some real sleep." Yoko said as we limped the last few blocks to the Sakaki residence.

After putting him in the bedroom she had kept up for three years, we went to the kitchen to talk as she began cooking, a stress habit she picked up since they disappeared.

"Yuzu you know that without you and your family I never would have gotten better after the disappearances and I'm gunna need your help to get my Yuya back and figure out what happened."

I sighed resting on my hand. What am I gunna do? Now I have a whole pack of people to take care of.

A.N. I decided to make Yuzu more of the responsible on in that family because she acts like it. Let's see if Yuya completes his mission next time!

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