gotta be you [zarry]

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In which Zayn thought that Harry would be better off without him and lets him go, but realizes that he needs to fight to get him back because he was the only one that Zayn could ever love.

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It was already two in morning when Harry woke up to the sounds of rustling. He turned on his bedside lamp and flipped over to the left side of the bed only to see his beautiful blonde headed boyfriend packing his things.

Zayn turned around at the click and flash of the lamp and looked at his sleepy-eyed boyfriend. He didn't want it to turn out like this; to sneak out at two in the morning with only a goodbye letter to explain everything to his once happy boyfriend.

Way back when, Harry and Zayn got on perfectly and literally nothing could keep them apart. They were happy and in love, but somewhere along the way, that happiness fell apart and all of a sudden, the love disappeared. It wasn't that they didn't want to love each other because they did. They wanted so much to just be the way they were nearly six years ago, but it was just impossible. They wanted so much for it work, but it just wasn't going the way they planned. It wasn't because of an event or a person or themselves. They just couldn't love the way that they used to and that was especially hard for Zayn.

Zayn wanted to marry Harry, but he knew that Harry would say no. Harry always said no for one exact reason. Harry knew that their relationship was never going to last and he had no problem with that, but Zayn took things harder than need be.

And as he looked at the man that he knew he'd always love, he knew that leaving was the best solution. Harry didn't interject as he watched Zayn pack his clothes and his belongings. He didn't ask what he was doing or where he was going. He said not a word because in reality, Harry knew that this day would eventually come and there was nothing he could do to stop it. A part of Zayn wanted Harry to yell at him, to beg him to stay. A part of him just wanted to lay in Harry's arms for an infinite amount of time and never worry about what might happen between the two of them, but that wasn't reality. As Zayn walked out the door, Harry said not a word. He hardly moved and just watched as Zayn handed him the goodbye note and watched him leave.

Zayn didn't know it, but as soon as his car left the driveway, Harry cried and he took out the ring that he had bought for Zayn and threw it across the room. Harry tore their (or more so his) bedroom apart and he punched walls and cried his eyes out. Eventually he moved to the guest room to sleep because it was the only place in the house that didn't smell like Zayn.

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Ten months had passed since Zayn left Harry. Not much had changed for him. He cut his hair and he dated here and there, but that was about it. He was miserable, but not nearly as miserable as Zayn was.

Zayn was a mess. He was living with Liam and at this point, Liam couldn't stand him anymore. Zayn refused to eat, to drink, or shower. The only things that was capable of was crying and sleeping. Ten months of continous crying and little to no food was very unhealthy and it made Liam very concerned.

Liam loved Zayn, but the man just had to get over Harry. Either get over him or get him back and with the way Zayn was smelling currently, Liam could bet Harry wouldn't take him back.

Liam groaned as he walked in his guest bedroom. Zayn was once again crying.

"Mate, you've got to be shitting me. Get up, get some fresh air, vitamin D, eat, walk. Just please do something, Zayn." Liam pleaded, opening Zayn's curtains in an attempt to truly wake the boy.

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