Welcome to Jurassic World

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A.N so this story was gonna be SUPER long. And I don't know about you guys but I'm not a big fan of boring chapters. You know? So instead of packing every single chapter with detail, I'm going to kind of sum up what would have happened. Hope that's okay.

→ ∘ Third Person ∘ ←
Skip ahead about two years...
Emily and Owen are really close. Like they pretty much just share his bungalow. Owen's raptors are grown up now and they all have a strong bond. Same with Emily and River. River is huge even though she's only a few years old. Emily now regularly does a feeding show for the whole park and she loves it. Owen trains his raptors regularly. The park is up and running.

∙∘↠Emily's POV↞∘∙

I got up and picked out my outfit for the day. I went with a white flowy tank top with thick straps, some green shorts, my brown combat boots, and an arrow necklace. Then I threw my light brown leather backpack on my shoulders and left.

I walked down the path to River's paddock. I absolutely loved my job. I mean I still can't get over the fact that I'm a T-Rex trainer. It's mind blowing. I arrive and walk up the steps to the deck that I stand on for feeding shows. It's high enough so that when River comes over, I'm eye to eye with her. Most people would call me crazy but I love my job and the environment. It's always exciting.

Large amounts of people start pouring into the little log watching station to watch the feeding. I grab my microphone and welcome everyone. Then I start spitting out a bunch of Tyrannosaurus Rex facts left and right. The point is to let them know that I know what I'm doing and I'm not just taking a shot in the dark with being a trainer.

"Now's the time you've all been waiting for." I said. I pushed a button and then a goat was lowered. Everyone started shouting and screaming. I lit a flare and threw it down next to the goat. This is how River knows it's food. I heard a roar and loud footsteps. Or I guess foot-STOMPS. Everyone's cheering and screaming and yelling excitedly. I watch as River comes into view and takes the whole goat in her mouth at once. Everyone's watching with excitement.

The show ends and I put away my microphone and take off my radio so that in case it goes off it doesn't scare River. I climb down some steps and enter into the paddock. This is normal by the way. I do this pretty much on a daily basis. There are still a few people left in the log and as I come into view they try to tell me to get out. I can't  help but laugh at the fact that they think that I don't know that I can get eaten. I also get a little annoyed by it because not everyone realizes that I've been training my whole life practically to do this. I know what I'm doing. I walk over to a large tree that I always sit on. I climbed up and even though the tree was tall to me, it was very small compared to River. I sit down on a large sturdy branch and then lean back on the trunk. Soon sleep takes over and I fall asleep.

→ ∘ Third Person ∘ ←

Claire walks up the steps and onto the little deck that Emily stands on normally. She was looking for Emily herself but only found Emily's backpack and, of course, her radio. Claire sighed annoyed at the fact that Emily never keeps her radio on her anymore. She called Owen to come look for her.

"Let me get this straight. You want me to go INTO the cage?! I think I'll pass." Owen said clearly not willing to do the job. "Common! You're the only one she'll listen to." Claire urged. "Please?" She asked again. Owen sighed loudly. "Fine. But if I get eaten, it's up to you to explain that to my parents." He smiled annoyed. Claire rolled her eyes and watched as Owen climbed down the steps and into the cage. He walked in further and further until Claire couldn't see him anymore.

∗− ☓Owen's POV☓−∗

I can't believe Claire's making me do this. I may be "friends" with the dinosaur but it could still think of me as an intruder. I walked over to a big tree and looked up. Normally Emily would sit in the trees. Sometimes I'd catch her talking to herself. Which was always super funny.

I looked up and saw a person. And I knew it was Emily because no other human being would just climb into a T-Rex cage. I laughed and called her name. "Emily!" I shouted. "Hello? Are you awake even?" I asked even though I knew that if she was asleep she wouldn't answer that question. I laughed at myself a little. I whistled and then realized that that was a really stupid idea. Now I've attracted attention to myself. I looked around cautiously to make sure River wasn't close by. "Emily!!!" I shouted again. I heard a faint roar from River and then all of a sudden Emily fell off the tree branch. She screamed and I moved to try to catch her but she ended up just crushing me. She gasped letting out a breath and looked at me. "Well would you look at that. Raptor Man not only trains dinosaurs but he also saves people falling out of trees." We laughed at her statement. I shook her off off of me and stood up, brushing the dirt from my clothes. "Wanna know why I'm here?" "Hm, is it because you missed me?" She asked kind of being sarcastic. I laughed and shook my head. "It's because Claire was too scared to." I said. She stopped laughing and frowned. "Crap." She mumbled. "Let me guess. She's waiting on the deck?" I nodded and she whined. "I'm so sick of her always yelling at me." She said marching toward the stairs. We both walked up and Claire stood there tapping her foot impatiently. "Well well well. Look who finally decided to get off her butt and do her job." Claire sneered. Emily rolled her eyes and sighed. "You know that YOU'RE the reason I never keep my radio on me. Right?" She said sarcastically. "Ooh sassy." I mumbled. But Emily heard and smacked my arm. "Ow." I grumbled. Emily might not be super strong but when she's mad, she'll beat the crap out of you.

∙∘↠Emily's POV↞∘∙

I'm so sick of Claire's crap. I mean can she just breathe for a minute?! It's not like I ignore her all the time. Well....that's partially a lie...but still. She needs to quit being so uptight because it really ticks me off. She shoved my backpack toward me as well as my radio. "Oh and you might want to turn this on next time." Claire grumbled fuming. I rolled my eyes and ignored her stupid statement. "C'mon lets go get some lunch and cool down." Owen suggested. I nodded and we left.

Emily Grant's Tyrannosaurus RexWhere stories live. Discover now