Chapter 1: London

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I hurry down the buzzing streets of Acadia as quickly as possible. The people who live here are cutthroat and I, my dear friend, am a wanted woman.

Several vehicles whiz past me as I step into the Harris building. There are tons of skyscrapers in Acadia, trust me, tons. The city is where you come if you are looking to succeed. Full of people looking for power and money.

My nerves are especially on edge today. Today is the day of my testing. The day where I will go to the Testing Center, and the worlds smartest scientists will decide whether I am Dateable or not.

It is practically a death sentence to be named Undateable, but luckily it doesn't happen too much. I mean, to live your whole life shunned and alone? That sounds worse than death to me.

I walk into the my fathers skyscraper as quickly as possible, flashing my ID at the scanner on the door and waving to Norman, our doorman.

I know, funny right, Norman the doorman. I honestly feel bad for him because my mother, well, my mother hates him.

"Norman!!!!", I hear my mums shrill voice call. He looks up, looks at me, and then follows the sound of my mothers screeching about there not being enough towels in the lobby bathroom.

I sigh and step into the elevator, pushing the button for floor number 516, the top, and my fathers office.

When my father sees me walk in he flashes me a huge smile and says "hey princess! Ready for your big day?"

I smile and nod, brushing a strand of my brown, curly, hair out of my face.

My mother hates, hates, my hair, saying it is untamable and will make me Undateable. She is forever saying "LONDON! You can not go out of the house without brushing that knot out!!" Or "LONDON! You can not go the school without me straightening your hair!!!" Or let's not forget my favorite "London sweetie, don't you want to come have a fun time at the hair salon with mummy?"

That's my name by the way, London.

Dad says it was once a city much like Acadia. Full of brilliant people, before of course, the plague came.

The plague (commonly known as the Devils cough) wiped almost everyone out, and it would have succeeded it not for the 50 or so people who went into hiding underground.

They are the Survivors.

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