Chapter 2 -

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As I walked through the school doors, I went straight to the receptionist. "Hi I'm Brianna, I'm new here do you have my time table?" I asked politely. "Um, Hi I will just get it for you one second" The woman said holding up her finger as she looked under her desk. A little later she popped up with a big smile on her face, as she handed me my time table. "here you are love, your class is round the corner, up the stairs, second door to the right have a good day" She said before going back to the work on here computer. 

Once I found my class, I knocked on the door and immediately everyone's eyes landed on me. I hate this, being the centre of attention I would just rather go unnoticed. "Um Hi I'm Brianna, I'm new here?" I said awkwardly. "Oh Hi I'm Mrs. Crawford, it's nice to meet you welcome to my class." he said nicely. "Thank you" I smiled, "go take a seat next to Brittney, Brittney will you put up your hand please" Mrs. Crawford said with smile. I look up and see a girl with blonde hair, pretty but fake, she was tanned and wearing all pink with high heels... oh great I'm just going to have so much fun with this girl I can already see us being besties (yeah... hence the sarcasm). 

As I walk over, I catch eyes with someone. His sparkling green eyes met with my blue ones for a second, but I looked away quickly. He was sitting next to Brittney, I think he might be dating Brittney because when I looked up at her and smiled she gave me a death stare. I watched as she leaned over to the boy and placed a sloppy kiss on his lips, yep definitely dating. I sat down next to her and smiled once more, I didn't want to make any enemies on the first day. Brittney leaned over to me and whispered "He's mine, back off!" into my ear, she then pulled back glared at me and started sharing saliva with the poor boy sitting beside her. Yep, definitely made a new enemy. But wow, over protective much, the only thing I did was glance at him for about 2 seconds and then looked away and she already hates me. 


I slowly got all my stuff together, as everyone scrambled out of the door. It was the end of second period and so far my day has been shit, I have had that slut Brittney and her boyfriend in both my classes today and Brittney has so far made my day hell. I slowly walked out of the classroom and tried to find my way to the lunch room on my own.

once I got there, I looked around trying to find a spear seat anywhere. I couldn't if people weren't sitting on them, they had there bags on them. So I decided to just go find the bathroom, instead I ended up getting lost and walking around the school while eating my health bar. I was in the hall way about to turn the corner before I bumped into something hard, my bar fell out of my had as my ass hit the ground. "ow!" I said, as I looked up to have a yell at who ever bumped into me, I was met by those twin jade eyes once again. "I'm really sorry, are you okay?" The boy asked, extending his hand out for me to take. "Y-yeah" I said, as I reached for his hand, he lifted me up like I was as light as a feather. "Harry" the boy said, I looked at him confused. He laughed "My name is Harry" The boy who I have now learned to be named Harry said. "Ohh... haha Brianna, I'm Brianna" I said stretching my hand out for him to take, which he took gladly. 

"Sorry about Brittney, she gets a little protective sometimes..." Harry trailed off. "A little?"I said, more to myself than Harry. "what was that?" Harry said, 'oh shit' I thought. "nothing" I replied a little too fast. " Harry just laughed, "don't worry, she's a bitch everyone knows it" He finished, at this point I was shocked. "I thought she was your girlfriend? ... I don't think you should be saying that about her" I said. Harry just laughed once again, "Brittney is not my girlfriend..." He said, I was really confused now. "Then what is she? You guys have literally just made out for two periods straight..." I replied. "So you were looking?" He said, acting all cocky. "Yeah... well it was hard not to, the whole class was looking... I'm surprised the teacher didn't notice?" I spat back, if he was going to act like a know it all and cocky, I will just give it right back to him. "I mean you guys were like sucking each others face's off! It was pretty disgusting if you ask me..." I trailed off, pulling a face at the thought. "Oh feisty, I like it..." Harry said as he moved closer to me. I stepped back "Oh no, your little charm won't work on me Harry... besides if it did I would have to deal with your 'girlfriend' and that would not be pretty" I finished. Harry seemed pretty shocked at what I said, I don't think he is used to someone saying no to him with this kind of stuff. "She is not my Girlfriend" Harry spat, I let out a little laugh. "Oh really Harry, then what is she?" I spoke, stepping closer. "Just some slang I bang for fun" He said, I actually felt sympathy for Brittney for a minute. She probably thinks their dating and Harry really does like her. But then I looked over Harry shoulder and saw her pressing a guy against a locker and sticking her tongue down his throat. 'What a slut' I thought, before replying. "Good thing she isn't your girlfriend because if I were you and she was I would be absolutely raging" I said, as I pointed out my finger to the dirty bitch. 

I watched as Harry's eyes followed my finger, I look of shock hurt and anger crossing he flawless facial expressions. But then a mischievous grin crossed his face as he walked over, tapped Brittney on the back said something to her, punched the guy she was swallowing and walked over to me before grabbing my hand and pulling me away. 

What have I gotten myself into? 

Hey, I hope you guys like the fanfic so far... 

comment and tell me what you think? 

Briesha xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2013 ⏰

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