Journey Of The Rails

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"Look Annabeth, I just think we need a break."
"So what now Percy? You just casually tell me that we should break up and expect me to walk away okay?"
"Look Annabeth, it's kinda obvious that this relationship was one sided. Besides, from what I've heard you've got a line out the door of guys wanting to be with you..."
Annabeth just stood on half blood hill, dumbfounded as her now ex-boyfriend walked down the hill.
She stood next to Thalia's pine tree waiting for him to come back. It never happened. The daughter of Athena ran down the hill yelling for her good friend Piper McLean.
Piper ran to meet her. "My gods Annabeth, what is it?"
"Percy just walked out if camp... I don't know where he's going."
Piper nodded "I'm sure he will be fine. He can take care of himself."
Annabeth sighed and walked with the daughter of Aphrodite to where they were meeting the rest of the seven, except Percy apparently.
The group talked and laughed for several hours before it was time for dinner. They all walked into the pavilion and were slightly alarmed at the fact that Percy wasn't there.
After dinner he still wasn't back. Slightly panicked they asked Chiron about where he could be. Chiron seemed worried as well.
After the giant war and Tartarus, Percy had been different. He didn't talk as much and kinda hung at the edges more. He hadn't been quite himself. They were all a bit worried about him.
Annabeth explained what might have caused Percy to walk away. She explained how Percy and her had gotten into an argument and broken up. The people listening to the story decided that he would be back soon considering that all he had was what he had on him.

Line break

Percy walked to the train station. He had to get away. He obviously couldn't take a plain and just didn't feel like taking a boat. He paid for a ticket and sat down. Percy waited for his train to Minneapolis, MN.

Over the next year all Percy did was ride the trains and explore each city that he would stop at. Eventually made it all the way through the country. Any where from Pennsylvania to Texas, he had been there.
He had been robbed several times. And eventually resorted to dark clothes so he wouldn't stand out.

After another year of traveling Percy decided that he should head back to camp. He had had enough time to calm down. Percy really actually didn't want to return. But he figured that some people might be worried about him.
And so there he was standing a the top of half blood hill. Not wanting to face his past, but having to do it.
He walked down the hill and straight to the Big house where he knew Chiron would be. He opened the door and shouted "Chiron!" He heard testing and the centaur appeared at the door.
"How may I help... you" he finally noticed who it was who had called his name. In the door way stood his missing student. Perseus Jackson.
"Percy..." Chiron stammered not sure what to say.
"I was in New York and thought that I should stop by." Percy broke the silence.
"You won't be staying then?" Chiron asked.
"Maybe for a few days but then I'm off again." Percy answered.
"Oh" the centaur was obviously disappointed. "Any way it is lunch and I'm sure the camp would be delighted to have a guest." Chiron trotted towards the door.
"You don't have to do that Chiron, really" Percy stammered, not exactly sure why he thought this was a good idea.
"Nonsense my boy, your friends would be delighted!"

The campers were just about to start eating when Chiron trotted into the pavilion with Percy trailing behind him.
None of the campers recognized Percy. He was wearing a black hooded bikers jacket, with a gray T-shirt underneath. He wore black jeans with holes in the knees, black combat boots and a black beanie on his head. Most peculiar, he seemed to have some sort of tattoo on his neck and a earing on his left ear.
Chiron asked for the campers to quiet down before talking. "We will be having a guest for the next few days..." Chiron motioned to Percy and paused for effect. "Please welcome with open arms, Perseus Jackson!" The pavilion was silent as people stared the the man in black. No one could believe that Percy would ever wear an earing, get a tattoo or wear so much black. But there he was. Obviously uncomfortable at the center of attention. Chiron of course saved the day. "You may eat" he announced almost being successful with getting the attention off if Percy.
Nico walked up and motioned to the Hades table and Percy seemed relived to be able to sit with someone who wasn't staring at him like he was crazy. When they sat down, more of Percy's old friends came and joined them. They all sat in silence until Nico broke it.
"Aren't you gonna eat Perce?" Percy looked up for a second before muttering "no.''
"Really cause the Percy I remember would never turn down free food" Thalia said.
"I'm not hungry" Percy tried to explain.
"Why?" Piper asked.
Percy stared at something over Nico's head "I ate yesterday".
"Okay so your not hungry... so where were you these last two years?" Thalia tried again, wanting to hear him talk.
"Here and there" was his cryptic response.
"Um okay how long are you gonna be here?" Leo asked.
"Couple of days... gotta let a couple of things blow over, gonna catch up on sleep." Percy noticed all the people at the table looking at him worriedly.
He stood up, mumbled something about using the bathroom and without one glance at the table he strolled out of the pavilion.

The people left at the table were bewildered with how much their friend had changed.


Okay so I could make a story out of this... It would be short. Or I could just leave it and let you guys continue it in your heads... If you want me to continue it, then please pm me your ideas, and I will either make this into a story or have something very similar but with a bit more openings so it would be easy to write... And I want help with it from you guys so... Yeah.
I'm gonna try to post more for my story tonight... And if I get a good lead on that one then I can start up with this one or another.


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