Chapter 4 - Mistaken

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Bradley's POV

I was lying in bed with netflix and a package of skidals when i heard a knock on the door. I groaned and opened it. On my my doorstep was a little hamster.

"Well hello there little guy."

I scooped him up and gave him a little pat on the head. I found a little name tag on the ground next to the hamster. It read: Kenny.

Kenny? Wasn't that the name of Noa's hamster?

Shocked, I flipped the name tag over, the hamster had snuggled into my arm and was fast asleep. The other side read: Kate Upton's number (call me)

As I read the number I yelled in shock. I did a little victory dance, flinging the hamster in one direction.


The hamster yelled. I ran and caught him mid air.

"Looks like you and me are going to be best buds, Kenny."

I instantly called Kate's number.


"Yo wassaup girrrrrrrrrl this is Brad the skidal King."

"Um, excuse me?"
"I have your hamster."

"Oh you have Kenny?"
"Yup, wanna be my skidal queen-"

"Oops, sorry I didn't know that you were, what did you say your name was?"
"The skidal king."

"Riiight... um sorry I dropped Kenny off at the wrong place. Do you know someone called Duncan?"


I hung up the phone and Kenny looked at me with a cheeky smile.

"Come on, Kenny. We're going to Noa's place."

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