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Okay. Still bored? Then keep reading. Hopefully you'll become un-bored sometime soon.

I've found a few interesting facts. (With delightful commentary by myself!) I might add more of these too. Below that are some funny quotes.


Men are 6 times more likely to get struck by lightning then women. (HA! We ARE better! Have fun getting struck by lightning, guys.)

The vocabulary of the average person consists of 5,000 to 6,000 words. (How did they figure that out?)

Extremely high pressured water can easily cut through a steel beam. (Don't get any ideas...)

Bhutan issued a stamp in 1973 that looked like a record and actually would play the Bhutanese national anthem if placed on a record player. (Now if only they could do that with hot dogs...)

Deep Breathing gives you health benefits similar to aerobics. (Ommm.... Ommm...)

Once, pumpkins were recommended for the removal of freckles and curing snake bites. (Pumpkins are capable of anything.)

Dismal first-year sales of famous products: VW Beetle (U.S.)--sold 330 first year. Liquid Paper--sold 1,200 bottles first year. Cuisinart--sold 200 first year. Remington typewriter--sold 8 first year. Scrabble--sold 532 first year. Coca-Cola--sold 25 bottles first year. (So keep your head up!)

Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will make it go crazy and sting itself to death. (Hmm...)

Smiling releases endorphins in the body, which makes people feel better. (DUH.)

2,500 left handers die each year using products designed for right handers. (Poor left-handed people.)

Judy Scheindlin (Judge Judy) has a $25,000,000 salary, while Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has a $190,100 salary. (That's just sad.)

The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card. (Poor him. Mustaches are cool.)

Napoleon Bonaparte is the historical figure most often portrayed in movies. He has been featured in 194 movies, Jesus Christ in 152, and Abraham Lincoln in 137. (Okay, not the most interesting fact ever.)

In China, people eat a bar of chocolate for every 1,000 chocolate bars eaten by the British. (I'm never, ever going to China. Ever. I'll go to England instead. Chocolate's important.)

A recent study at Harvard has shown that eating chocolate can actually help you live longer. (Silly people in China, eat more chocolate!)

Chained dogs are 3 times more likely to bite than unchained dogs. (DUH.)

If you attempted to count to stars in a galaxy at a rate of one every second it would take around 3,000 years to count them all. (So I don't suggest trying...)

Moscow weathermen can be fined for inaccurate weather forecasting. (So, all you Moscow weathermen, GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT!)

Quotes and Sayings

If I don't know it, you're probably better off not knowing it at all.

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." -Charles Schultz

So tell me, are those cookies made with real Girl Scouts?

"There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate." -Charles Dickens

Give a man a match and he'll be warm for an hour... Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Sanity is not my strong point. -Pelican Bob

I'm very responsible! Whenever something goes wrong, they always say I'm responsible.

Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home.

Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 telling them to sit down and shut-up.

Everyone is beautiful if you squint a bit.

If at first you don't succeed, look in the trash for the instructions.

No one feels as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.

One good turn gets most of the blankets.

They say the grass is greener on the other side, but have you ever flipped it over?

Time flies... after you hit the snooze button.

Die Schnecken sind meine Freunden! - The snails are my friends!

Veni, Vedi, Visa. I came. I Saw. I did a little shopping.

When God finished the creation of Adam, He stepped back, scratched his head, and said, "I can do better than that!"

"Ever wonder if the light goes out when you close the fridge door? Well, it does." - the milk

How's he gonna read that magazine rolled up like that? What the ... - a fly.

Anything not nailed down is mine. Anything I can pry loose is not nailed down.

As I said before, I never repeat myself.

I installed a skylight in my apartment. The people who live above me are furious!

Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away, and you have their shoes too.

Don't go to a doctor whose office plants have died. -Erma Bombeck

If someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles to frown, but it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and whack them in the head.

It is better to keep your mouth shut, and look like a fool, than to open your mouth, and remove all doubt.

Don't Annoy The Crazy Person.

Dont make me mad- I'm running out of places to bury the bodies.

Honk if you hate bumper stickers that say: "Honk if..."

Keep your mind open- it'll let in more light.

Sorry, no fortune today. Enjoy your cookie.

Do you realize how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?

A Nobel Peace Prize? I would KILL for one of those.

An egotist is a person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.

Friends are like potatoes- if you eat them, they die!

If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. -Vincent Van Gogh

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.

I sincerely hope that you are now less bored than you were before reading this. As always, thanks, and I'd be delighted if you could fan, comment, vote, etc... :)

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