IX - Drinks & Monsters

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Kurt wasn't too keen knowing Dimitri was going to be spending his Friday night with another guy. He was jealous, yes, and he didn't have a hard time letting that be known throughout the day. When he'd gotten off work earlier than the other man, he sent text after text of dirty messages. Sending Dimitri lewd paragraphs of how he wished they'd spend a night together, but even his attempts at sexting didn't seem to sway the older man.

It was 7:30pm already, getting darker by the minute, and while he was sat up in Dimitri's bedroom, he watched the other man walk back and forth from the bathroom to his closet. Kurt didn't know what it was, he didn't even know Kellen as a person, but something in him really didn't want to see Dimitri walk out that door. A bit clingy as it was, he could easily blame it on the possessiveness he already had over the other man, but the "crush" Kellen already had on Dimitri turned Kurt all the way off.

This guy had to have something in mind tonight, especially since he was going to be alone with Dimitri for who knows how long. Given this guy knew about Kurt's hastened relationship with Dimitri, perhaps this was Kellen's way of trying to come between them. Besides, it was mentioned not long ago that these two had a past together. No dating, thank god, but with Dimitri's settled familiarity with Kellen, that alone made Kurt anxious to think maybe Dimitri wouldn't mind giving this other guy a chance. And if that happened, it would tear him apart from the inside out. Sure, his and Dimitri's wasn't anything too serious, but...maybe someday.


Keeping his eyes on Dimitri as the man traded out a plain white shirt for a lined black and dark green one, Kurt folded his hands behind his head, lain back in the bed they'd shared for yet another night. "You're dressing way too sexy for a night out that's not spent with me," Kurt said. "So you should definitely let me take you out instead."

"Too sexy?" James wanted to laugh, "It's just jeans and t-shirt. What's so sexy about an outfit like this?"

When James turned to the young man lain in his bed, he watched has deep blue eyes moved about his body. "Those jeans, they shape your arse nicely, and your chest looks pretty tasty through that cotton."

James turned to the mirror atop his dresser, looking over his own body and wanted to laugh. "It's a perfectly average outfit. You're being ridiculous."

"Oh, yeah," Kurt said, rising up from the bed. "You do seem to be missing something." He then came up behind James and embraced him from behind. He held their bodies closely together, touching his hands down the slight curves of the man's abdomen. He kissed along James' neck, teeth nipping at his skin until he was suddenly pulled away from.

"No, no," James said, "Not tonight, at least not yet."

All week long since the Friday outing was planned, James had forbid Kurt from biting him or leaving any hickies in noticeable places. While James' chest and stomach held obvious signs of the frequent nights they spent together, even all over his legs, he'd been adamant about keeping the sexually evoked blemishes from his arms and neck.

"Fine," Kurt said, fingers inching into James' shirt, "I guess, even though I can't see my artwork, that doesn't change the fact that you belong to me, right?"

James nodded, nervously watching the young man take to his knees.

"It wouldn't hurt to leave just one more..."

With that said, James nibbled his lip, keeping his gaze locked on Kurt. The young man pushed the rim of his shirt up and licked his tongue across an unmarked portion of skin at James' pelvis. He kissed then clear flesh before hugging his arms around the other man's hips, holding him as he then sunk his teeth in. He controlled just how hard he bit down, making sure it wasn't too painful.

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