Chapter 3

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Luca Di-Angelo^^^^^

Rosie's POV
I woke up in the morning to an unfamiliar room until the previous events came back to me. I love Luca....... I will just have to hide that from him. I mean it's not like he is gonna ever fall In love with me. Right?.

Anyway I walked down the stairs and smelt Bacon, eggs and pancakes. I LOVE THOSE THREE!!!. I rushed down the stairs and nearly fell on my face at the last step. I looked up at the kitchen door and saw Luca standing there trying his hardest not to laugh at me. I was a mess on the floor.

"What!" I yelled at him but that just caused him to burst out laughing at me. I pouted and got up from the floor and took a seat at the table getting bacon, eggs and 1 stack of three pancakes on my plate. What? A girl can't eat? Don't judge me....

"I'm so sorry that was just so funny Rose." " yeah whatever. Anyway what are we doing today?" " well I'm going to a gang meeting and you can stay here." Luca told well more like demanded me. "pero yo estaba umm la esperanza de poder ir a la tienda de tatuajes ...." (But I was umm hoping to go to the tattoo parlour) I told him. "What?" " I said I was hoping to go to the tattoo parlour." " no" " please pretty please I will give you a kiss....." I said hoping he would let me go. "Fine" he said reluctantly. I got up and went to him I got close then I kissed him. I was about to pull away. But I guess he had other plans.

He grabbed me by me head with one hand and picked me up by my ass with his other hand and set me on the table.

He slid his tongue across my mouth asking for entrance. I happily complied and opened my mouth. The minute it was open he shot his tongue in and massaged mine with his. I pulled away before anything got too steamy, but he groaned with protest. "Sorry babe but I got some new tattoos to get and I can't wait to show them to u later." I winked at him and walked off to get ready.

As I was walking off I made sure to swing my hips a little bit more to tease him. "Tease" I heard him growl out softly.

After getting dressed (outfit on top^^^) I walked out to go and get some new tattoos

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After getting dressed (outfit on top^^^) I walked out to go and get some new tattoos. When I got inside the tattoo parlour I went strait to a tattooist and asked if she could do my tattoos for me.

She did when I left I was really happy with my tattoos. One was a bunch of white roses on my left hip, my two arms I got sleeved with tattoos, one with a bird/tree together on the back of my neck, a poem on my back left shoulder with birds, and a feather fading away with birds on my right side.

 One was a bunch of white roses on my left hip, my two arms I got sleeved with tattoos, one with a bird/tree together on the back of my neck, a poem on my back left shoulder with birds, and a feather fading away with birds on my right side

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After I went back home. Home. I just called Luca's house kind of is. Anyway I was walking back to Luca's house oh and BTW's Luca's house is a block away from the Parlour. When I got back I heard talking in the kitchen as I walked in the talking faded but there was still talking.

I saw Luca and Ace looking at my arms angrily. "Guys are u ok?" " Who did this to u?!" Seethed Luca and Ace together. "What do u mean?" (See what I did there :) no ok..) " we mean why are there white bandages on your arms!?" Ace growled. I just burst out laughing. " vi prego di seguirmi nella stanza degli ospiti , e vi spiegherò ." (Will you please follow me to the guest room and I will explain everything.) I said. "Huh?" They both said I sighed. "Just follow me." They did. I slowly took of the bandages on my arms careful so I don't hurt myself.

When I was finished taking off the bandages. The boys awe struck at my sleeves. "You boys like?" I asked them. "Uh-huh" they nodded their heads. " you do?" I asked them, they smiled and nodded. "Ok good cuz they don't do refunds!" They just chuckled and left.

Hiya guys
By guys!!

The Gangleader Want's Me!?!?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora