The slut and the player

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  • Dedicated to ME! JK

Had this idea in my head for awhile and finished planning it out so yeah.


Cait is seen as the slutty Queen bee. You know those slutty girls that are oh so popular and will make you bow down to there feet. Well she's not. She's really that average wall flower that doesn't like partying, sleeping with boys, or doing anything the popular kids call "Fun". She'd rather curl up and eat junk food while watching horror movies that scare her instead of going on a date with the possessive quarter back who thinks he's all that. Cait can be mean, but let's face it if she wasn't acting she'd be the definition of good girl.

She can't be her wall flower self anymore and she wouldn't want to. She is so loyal to her friends she'll give up a everything for them.

Lane is the typical player. The guy who plays with girls hearts and doesn't care. That's who he is. Lane just wants to have fun and live his childhood. He has a good side though and a secret passion of photography.

So Lanes moving to a new school while most people would be mad he's happy. A new place new girls to play with are his exact words.

One night with Cait and Lane together. One night and they feel a connection. Will they deny it or will they be who they really are. And if they be themselves what's obstacles are they going to face. A player and a nerd together have a lot of problems so how many do a slut and a player have together?

Everything in this book: Prologues, Epilogues, One shots, extras, chapters, and characters are copyright protected. All rights reserved by the author (me) and unauthorized stealing/copying/editing/manipulation etc. of my work will be punished by law.

 © 2013-2014Lauren_James

I did not steal any ones idea or anything. I came up with this myself and all parts are made up in my mind. Any thing like this in my book happening/happened to you is purely coincidental.

Cover: Lauren_James (ME!)

Editing (prologue so far): cremesupreme

Everything else so far: Lauren_James (ME AGAIN)

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