After moving on a new school, lapis lazuli faces new challenges including school and living alone on a dorm. Lucky she met a guy who is nice and kind to everyone that's peridot. While Looking on huge place at Crystal high she accidentally bumped a g...
Yesterday I didn't tell lapis my past, I have nothing to do, I only stare the cat. The cat is very cute. The cat always put the cans on his feet, the cat also kick his feet while he dreaming or sleeping.
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But I always keep him doing that. I wonder what lapis is doing today? I'll play dead but first I'll train the cat.
After I train Dorito I'll get some liquid Color, So I spread slowly the liquid Color on the floor I lay down down on the floor, Dorito get lazuli. So dorito go upstairs to call lazuli. Meow meow! Hey Dorito what's your problem? The cat play dead, Huh what are you talking about? You must be hungry? So I heard the sound that lapis is coming down. Peri! She scream. She cry a lot, she still screaming and panicking . I decided to wake up, I get up and lazuli shock. Are you dead? If your dead don't forget me! Hey lazuli I'm not dead. Really she still crying.
Yeah I train Dorito to play dead. She still crying, you're okay? No I'm not! She yelled. It's okay lazuli I'm still alive. It's not okay! You know I almost die I thought your dead. Who's gonna be my side? It's okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't do that in the first place but I'm too Bored, Can you forgive me? Apologie accepted she said while she is wiping her tears, peri you didn't know this when I was a little girl my parents and I saw a dead man on the street he is only walking then suddenly a car crush him, That's my trauma.
So your afraid to die or see a person die? Yeah that's I'm afraid to lose you. It's okay I'm not dying. Please Peri don't do that again. Okay. Meow! Hey Dorito is holding the bowl! She said. I train him a lot. Meow! Let's feed you! We both said. We feed Dorito lovely. We smile together. I hope lazuli is feeling okay now.