New year!

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Lapis pov

It's new year! So Jasper set the fireworks outside, amethyst starts the music, pearl and garnet are setting the table, peri is taking pictures, and I'm doing nothing.
Hey lapis! Peri said. Hey peri!
Amethyst can you take me and lazuli a picture? Peri asked. Sure dot! Amethyst said. So peri sit down on the couch he hold my hand and smile. One, two, three smile!

You guys! Stop taking pictures let's eat! Garnet said

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

You guys! Stop taking pictures let's eat! Garnet said. Here Peri! amethyst throw the camera! I catch
It. Woah amethyst great taking pictures. Heh I teach her, really? Can you teach me? Sure! Thanks!
Let's go at the dinning room. So we go at the dinning room and we eat. After we eat, we clean the table and garnet clean the dishes. Me and peri back at the couch.

Peridot's pov

It's 11:30 it's almost new year.
So we go outside we watch the fireworks. The fireworks is so colorful. We play snowball so much fun. You know lazuli I'm lucky that I have you. She blush. This year I want to be happy and you also too,
We will be full of love and laughter.
I'm lucky too that you gave me everything, you finished me like a puzzle. You always take care, protect, guide, and love me everyday, you make me happy.
I wish I could pay you everything that you do to me, lazuli you don't need to pay everything what I give to you, I'm your knight and Savior.

Every single of the day I'll learn many things to you lazuli. Every second,minute,hours of the day I always see you smiling. I want you to smile and happy everyday.

Guys it's the final countdown!

10: Since we met I like you

9: We became friends

8: We have bonding moments

7: I learn many things to you.

6: You always protect, guide,care and love me.

5: I always understand you

4: You make me stronger

3: I'll never stop loving you.

2: I'll will not stop saying I love you.

1: I love you lapis lazuli!

Happy new year!

I kiss lazuli on the lips lovely and perfectly. The gang saw us. I didn't care. I broke the kiss, I love you lapis lazuli. I love you too peridot.
Happy new guys! The gang said.
Happy new year too we said. We smile and laugh each other. We hold our hands tightly while watching the view.

My Love ~ Lapidot~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora