Chapter 2

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Meanwhile at the hospital, Takumi was given a sedative to keep him calm. Akaike finally arrived at the hospital and went to the counter enquired for Takumi's room and when he reached in front of the door, he slowly twisted the door knob. As the door opened, his gazed drawn to Takumi's silhouette lying on the bed covered with white blanket over his chest. Judging from his pale face with tears streak which were staining his cheeks, Akaike instantly fully aware how this devastating ordeal had casted upon Takumi's fragile heart. "Oh dear...Takumi...Please be strong for your own sake," Akaike felt his own legs staggered and pulled the chair slowly and sit down without making so much sound. After a while looking at Takumi's figure, the sound of the door knob being twisted made him turn his head to the door. 

Misu appeared with Syingyoji followed close behind him. Misu's face as usual seemed unaffected but Syingyoji's worried face followed by a sudden gasp escaped from his mouth with his eyes wide openned, "Hayama-san..." Instantaneously Akaike put a sign with his forefinger touching his lips to silence Syingyoji. Syingyoji slowly approaching Takumi's bed covering his mouth to stifle his broken sobs. Tears started trickling from the corner of his eyes and his shoulder was shaking uncontrollably. Misu strided with his long legs and quickly pulled Syingyoji into his arms stroking his lover's head and back to calm him down. "We have to be strong and become his strength to lift up his spirit," Akaike spoke softly after a while being silent and was watching Syingyoji composed himself. From the way Misu staring into his eyes, Akaike knew he thought the same thing. Syingyoji only nodded a few time in agreement.

Takumi was stirring from his deep slumber. The rustling sound when Takumi moved had pulled their attention towards him. The three of them stood hovering close to the bed. Takumi blinked his eyes for quite sometimes and from his hazy eyesight he could figure three familiar faces. As his vision became clear, he could not hold his sadness and in between sobbing and hiccup, he kept calling Gii's name. His voice became hoarse. The gloomy atmosphere surrounded them all. Syingyoji also could not bear to look on anymore, despite trying his outmost to be strong in front of Takumi. His own tears were voluntarily oozing down his cheeks.

 Wiping away his tears, he took Takumi's hands and tried his best to console the injured soul and transferred the only strength he could muster. Both Akaike and Misu were only exchanged their worried fleeting look. After Takumi had relaxed from his tantrum, "What should I do now?" he asked. "We will wait for the news Hayama. The plane was not found yet. For the time being we only can pray for his safety," Akaike tried to reason with Takumi. "You must take care of yourself first Hayama. What are we going to explain to Gii if anything happen to you when he came back," Misu added later. "You can stay with me Hayama-san if you don't want to be alone," suggested Syingyoji. "Minna...arigatou gozaimasu," Takumi was overwhelmed by his friend's thoughtfulness. "We will always support you Hayama," replied Akaike. Hearing how supportive his friends were, hot tears trickled down again instinctively.

After three days hospitalised, Takumi was allowed to discharge from the hospital. Akaike came to take him home. From the corner of his eye, Akaike noticed that Takumi brought back the roses adorned at the table next to his bed in the ward. He did not dare to ask. He just pretended nothing unusual happened. When they arrive at Takumi's home, Akaike swiftly opened the windows to allow air flowed. Meanwhile Takumi straight away went to the kitchen to find a glass jar for the roses and put it on the table next to his bedsit. "Hayama are going to be okay staying here alone by yourself?" Akaike enquired out of curiosity. "Hmmm...I'll be fine. You don't have to worry. I'm okay now," Takumi replied. "If you say so, I'll take my leave now. Don't forget your cell phone again Hayama. Call me as soon as possible whenever you need me," Akaike still unable to leave Takumi alone, more reluctant actually since he knew his nature since high school. 

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