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Cameron Archer is stalked, and is annoying him a whole lot. There's something different about this girl, than the other ones. No giggles, or flirty smiles, or anything at all. Annoying, right? No proof, nada, zilch, nothing. So he's determined to figure out this girl for himself.

Beverly Seth is highly unfortunate. At least that's what she believes. Any other girl in her position would be squealing in happiness. She just wants to get it over and done with. But sadly, she has to endure 4 more months to endure of Cameron Archer trying to indirectly get in her pants. When she took journeling as her major, she didn't think it would mean having to stalk Cameron and try to understand the smirking mess that he is.


I’m THE guy.

I’m the guy guy’s want to be, and want to not want to be, but you can’t help but be jealous.

I’m the guy girl’s want to marry, date, or hook up with, depends on the type of girl.

Until I met her.

My not-so-secret admirer.

She makes it blatantly obvious she is stalking me, so obvious, that no one but me will figure it out. No proof, nothing, unless you take my memories and play them on a camera.

Which you can’t.

She always does this one thing that sets her apart from my admirers.

She doesn’t take pictures, or take notes on my nervous habits, or even look like a fan at all.

Instead, she stares at me pointedly, or she just plain stares at me, like she’s trying to figure me out.

She doesn’t giggle or swoon or look away when I smile, or wink at her, you know what she does?

She rolls her eyes. Cameron Archer winks at a girl and she rolls her eyes? Unheard of.

Until now.

She is pretty skilled at dodging a camera. That’s probably why I don’t have photographic proof. What am I going to say? ‘Hey dad, there’s this girl stalking me, but I don’t have any proof. No, she doesn’t look like a fan… No, I don’t have proof it’s not the same girl. Hello?

You there?’

Yeah, right.

So, I vowed to find this girl for myself. If it’s the last thing I do, I will find this girl, and force the answers I want out of her.

For example, ‘Why are you stalking me?’, or ‘Don’t you find me irresistible, like the rest of the girls on this planet?’, or ‘How do you dodge a camera so well, can you teach me? Paparazzi’s a bother.’

That last one was for my own benefit.

I probably would’ve considered this girl really pretty, if I hadn’t been focused on her habits. Things I could use to my advantage.

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