I've been tagged!

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I've been tagged by my friend MysticalMoons2. LET'S DO THIS.

1.) Live in a universe of your choice or marry a character of your choice.

A) I'd marry garazeb "zeb" orrelios. Yeah. I have weird crushes. I know lol

2.) do you get feels often?

A.) Meh. Sometimes. But when I do its unbearable. XD

3.) How many fanfics do you have in your library?

A.) Too many.

4.) Have you ever had a dream about being in a relationship with a fictional character?

A.) Yep. More than one. Some of my favorites were of zeb, gimli, fili, and bofur. Just to name a few. XD.

Hmmm now to tag peeps.

I tag lothcatwillow88

Have a good day to all of you. :)

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