1. Love At War (Austin Mahone Fanfiction)

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Im running away. Im moving to Miami with Austin. My mom doesn't want us to be together. She says he's a bad influence on me, but he's not. He's so humble and down to earth, he's the sweetest boy you can ever find. She says he's not "boyfriend material" just because he does covers on YouTube. She also says that he's not good enough for me because he has braces and he's "ugly". I can't stand her anymore, I cant stand the fact that she doesn't want me to be happy. My dad died when i was 5 in a car accident. There's not a day that doesn't go by that i don't miss him.My mom has gotten married and divorced 4 times. She was never happy with them for too long so they ended splitting up. I guess since she was never happy for too long she doesn't want me to be happy. She wanted me to go through the same thing she did, but I'm not up for it. We're two different people i can't have her controlling my life, even though im only 15 and so is Austin. She's been trying to separate us ever since we started dating almost a year ago.


"Where were you Samantha" says my mom with anger in her voice. I realized she called me Samantha she only calls me by my full name when she's mad at me. "I was with Austin." I whisper. "Didn't I tell you I didn't want you to be with him anymore. I told you to break up with him. I don't want you two seeing each other" . I was angry now, she always told me what to do but not this time, im gonna stand up for myself, and for our love. "No. I won't break up with him." i say angry. "Excuse me?" says my mom with attitude and anger in her voice "I said No" . "Samantha Marie Garcia i will not have you talk to me that way young lady. You will not disobey me." says my mom as she walks towards me. "You know what mom, i'm tired of this. Im tired of you trying to end my happiness, I'm just tired of all of this. Whether you like it or not Austin and I love each other. You can't stop us from being together." Suddenly i feel the right side of my face get hot and I feel some pain. I bring my hand up to my right cheek and look at my mom. "Why did you do that. You've never layed a hand on me" i say as my eyes start to get watery. "Because I don't like you're fucking attitude Samantha that's why." I grab my purse and run down the hall and yell "I HATE YOU! YOU'VE MADE MY LIFE HELL". I'm so done, I think to myself. As I'm running up the stairs I can hear my mom yell back at me "THAT'S MY FUCKING JOB SAMMI". I can't believe all of that happened. I walk into my room and slam the door as hard as i could, all the things in my room shook violently. I grabbed my purse and took my phone out. I called my best friend Tanya. We've been best friends since we were both 6 years old. "Hello?" i hear Tanya say "T you won't believe what just happened" i say crying. I spent the next hour talking to Tanya about what happened with my mom earlier, then i tell her what i plan to do. "I'm gonna run away. I'm gonna movie to Miami with Austin. I can't stand living in this fucking hell hole anymore." I say. "Sammi are you sure you want to do that? Think about your mom for Christ Sake." says Tanya with concern in her voice. "I'm more than sure. I wanna escape the hate & the drama with my mom, but most of all i wanna escape what happened that night a few years ago." "I don't really think you should do this, but if it's what you want to do then do it. I can't stop you" says Tanya. There was silence for a few seconds then i hear her talk again. "Have you talked about it with Austin?" "Yes. We've been talking about this for a week now. He's gonna come to pick me up tonight, 3 hours before he leaves to Miami." i say. "Sammi I don't want you to go, you're my best friend. I thought we were always gonna be together." says Tanya with concern in her voice. "I know T, I know but you've got to understand the reason behind the decision I'm making. Don't be sad, we can Skype, text, and talk through the phone. We're not gonna lose our friendship i promise". I can hear Tanya beginning to sob in the background. "I have to go Tanya i have to finish packing. I love you" i say. "I-I-I love you too Sammi, i'm gonna miss you" she says as she continues to sob. "I'll miss you too" i say as i hang up.

I spent 3 hours packing all my things in bags and suitcases. I look over at the clock 1:20am. I sigh deeply and lay down on my bed at set an alarm to go off in 30 minutes. I really hope i don't over sleep. I still have to get ready. I slowly started to fall asleep

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I growl and pressed snooze. I unlocked my phone and checked through my messages. I see one from Austin "I'll be over in 20 be ready baby (: " I smiled at the thought of finally leaving this hell hole and moving in with Austin. I replied saying I'll be ready text me when you're here. love you (: I took a shower and once I got out i changed into a sundress and flip flops. I know it's 2 in the morning who would wear a sun dress, but i mean we are going to Miami. I put on some mascara and eye liner. I hear my phone ring I immediately unlocked my phone and read the text out loud " I'm outside babe. Do you need help with you bags?" i quickly texted back saying "Actually i do. I kinda have alot of stuff, lol sorry" I almost immediately got a text back from Austin saying "Alright i'm at the front door with Dave open up" Knowing that my mom was fast asleep i tried to make as less noise as i could. I open the front door and see Austin and Dave standing there with smiles on their faces. "Hey Sam" says Dave as he hugs me tight he's the only one that calls me Sam and I'm okay with it. He's so much taller than me it's insane. I chuckle softly "Hey Dave" . Austin runs towards me. He picked me up and swung me around. He wrapped His hands around my waist, he leaned in and his soft plump lips landed on mine. Our kiss was short but passionate. Austin and Dave spent about 5 minutes carrying all of my stuff into the limo. As I'm closing the room to my door i stand there remembering everything i've gone through in this house, the good and the bad. I close the door to my room and walk down the stairs and down the hall. I stare at my house one last time. I felt arms around my waist. Austin buried his face onto my neck, "Are you ready?" he asks while he gives me a kiss on the cheek. I sigh deeply and nod. "Then let's go baby" says Austin as he grabs my hand. I close the door and we walk into the limo. As soon as we got in the limo driver walked away, i didn't even bother to look back at my house "Dont worry baby, you'll be fine with me" says Austin as i lay my head on his chest.

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