3. First Day In Miami

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I drove up to Austins house, the drive way is empty and there's no car there. That's strange. I get out of the car fuming with anger, I walk towards the front door and start knocking. No answer. I knocked a couple of more times and still no answer. I grabbed the door knob and turned it. I slowly began to open the door. I know it isn't my house and I'm trespassing but I'm looking for my daughter. I was in absolute shock to also see their home almost completely empty. She must have ran away with him, she must have moved with him. My vision got kind of blurry, anger was taking over me. I waited for my vision to get clear again. I began to snoop around the house, then i walked into this small room, it was covered with posters and pictures, there was a small bed against the wall, a recording mic, and a little studio set. This must be Austins room .

I spent the next hour looking around his room, and reading everything he had on his wall. I look at my watch 6pm. I gotta get home i can't stay here. I hurried to the front door and locked it. I walked down the pathway and into my car. I began to drive away when i decided to look in my rare view mirror and saw this beautiful woman, she looked exactly like Michele that must be her sister Lisa, i thought to myself. I increased the speed and headed home.

~ The Next Day ~ *Sammi's P.O.V*

I woke up with 2 arms wrapped tightly around my waist, i smiled knowing it was Austin. I tried to get out of his grip but it was impossible, i felt my tiny body being brought closer to his body. His grip got even tighter. I felt Austins breathing on my neck, i got chills down my spine, once more i struggled to get out of his grip."You're not going anywhere babe, i want you here" says Austin in a deep husky voice. "But Austin i have to pee" I whined. I turned around so i can be facing him, his eyes were still closed but he began to speak again "Give me a kiss and i'll let you go" he said with a smile on his face. I quickly pecked his lips and tried to get out of his grip, again i failed. "What was that? That wasn't a kiss, Sammi." i sighed. He brought me closer to him as if that was even possible since our bodies were already touching. I leaned in and gave him a kiss, it was short but passionate. I pulled away and said "You mister have a way of always getting what you want, don't you?" Austin chuckled and let me go. I finally got off the bed and began to walk towards the bathroom "Those shorts look good on you babe." said Austin, i turned around and looked at him, he had a stupid smirk plastered on his face, then he winked at me. I chuckled and made my way to the Bathroom. I did everything that i had to do and walked out of the bathroom, i put my hair in a ponytail and made my way towards the kitchen. My body was kind of sore from all the carrying and placing things where they belonged since we moved in yesterday. I opened the fridge door and groaned in frustration, No food, how great. I walked back into Austins bedroom, "Austin we have to go grocery shopping there's no food" i said yelling loud enough so he can hear me, since he was in the bathroom. He came out of the bathroom shirtless Holy shit i whispered, Austin chuckled; I'm guessing he heard me. "Like what you see babe?" says Austin with a smirk on his face, i blushed a dark shade of red, he heard me oh my god. I hid my face in my hands, i heard Austin walk towards me. He moved my hands out of my face and ran his thumb through my jawline "Why are you embarrassed? You're my girlfriend of course you can say things like that" he chuckled and sat next to me. "Go take a shower, so we can go grocery shopping. Oh yeah i forgot to tell you that mom and Dave are out all day because they have to set up some things since we just moved here and stuff" i shook my head and chuckled "Alright i'll be out in 20." i grabbed my towel and walked towards the bathroom, i could feel Austins eyes on me, i just shrugged it off. I walked in the bathroom and closed the door behind me. i took of my cloths and walked into the shower. The shower is so big you can fit like 20 people in there. I turned on the water, i got chills as the warm water hit my delicate skin. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warm water. I got the shampoo and washed my hair, i was washing the shampoo off of my face when i felt as if someone was watching me.

I opened my eyes and turned around only to see Austin standing there admiring every inch of my body. I quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself "Austin what the hell are you doing in here" i say in shock. "Nothinggg" he says as he drags the 'g' "How long have you been standing there for?" i say with embarrassment "The whole time you were in here" he says with a stupid smirk on his face. "Unbelievable" i say as i roll my eyes. I begin to open the shower door when i see Austin walking towards me. He walked inside of the shower with me. It took me a few seconds to realize that he was he was only in boxers, "Austin what are you doing?" i asked with a confused tone. "I'm gonna shower with you what else does it look like im doing?" he says as he chuckles. "Austin, you know how insecure i am about my body, and my scars" i say as i begin to walk out. I feel Austin grab me by my wrist, he sprung me around and pulled me towards him. He was a few inches taller than me so i had to look up at him. He whispered in my ear "You're so so beautiful, you don't deserve to be insecure. I know why you have scars you were my best friend before you became my girlfriend. And besides you have an amazing body" he says as he winks at me. I chuckled.

I felt my towel fall off of my body, and i felt Austins body touch with mine. We both went into the water. I continued to wash my hair. I moved my head from side to side and then i felt Austins soft plump lips on my neck, fuck. i whimpered at his touch "Austin don't" i say as i bite my lip. "Why not? You know you like it Sammi" he knew that this was my weakness, his neck kisses. He continued to leave a trail of kisses along my neck. I felt weak and venerable. I tried to walk away from him but he he ended up pinning my against the shower wall with the water running down our bodies "Where do you think you're going?" he asks in a deep husky voice. Before i could say anything his lips landed on mine. His hands rubbed through my inner thighs. He licked my bottom lip asking me for an entrance, and i let him in. He explored every inch of my mouth. He was kissing my roughly but yet so passionate. He made me wrap my legs around his waist, he whispered in my ear "I want you so fucking bad right now, you don't know how much." I felt something through my thighs. I smirked at the thought that Austin had a boner.Though Austin and I have been together for almost 1 year we still haven't had sex. I'm not ready to have sex with him, at least not now. Of course we've showered together before, and we've seen each other naked, we just haven't done it yet. We kept kissing and i pulled on his wet curly hair. Finally i managed to say in between kisses " Austin you know that i can't, at least not now" he groaned in annoyance and put me back down. "Please don't get mad. You know how i feel about this" He walked out of the shower and wrapped his towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom. I sighed and did the same a few minutes after. I slowly walked towards Austins room and i see him sitting on the edge of his bed with shorts and a tank top.

"Ready when you are" he says with a little anger in his voice as he scrolls through his twitter time line. I sighed and changed into some shorts and a tank top.

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