Chapter 2

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|Eye to Eye|

"See you tomorrow, Rokuro-kun." A girl he recognized as his classmate waved him goodbye before walking away with her friends.

Rokuro waved back and turned away. He looked around carefully, wary for any sign of being followed. When he found none, he silently scurried to the school's back gate, which was rarely used. The door was locked, but the walls surrounding it were not that high. The coast was clear. He climbed up, aiding himself with the vines that clung to the wall, and crouched on the narrow surface for a few seconds before jumping down with ease.

"Well, wasn't that a piece of cake," he praised himself, vainly throwing a cocky grin at empty air. He dusted his uniform before patting his bag, making sure he hadn't lost anything. There still wasn't anyone in sight.

Rokuro dug through the insides of his bag and took out a black hoodie. Putting it on, he glanced at his watch.

"Dammit, I'm late. He'll really kill me if I don't hurry.... that damn old man," Rokuro cursed inaudibly. He pulled the hood up and made his way to his house.

So far, so good. No one to recognize him. That was a good sign. Luck was on his side today! He was about to reach his destination. Home was right there, two blocks away. The very next building.

He finally reached the entrance. Rokuro allowed himself to breathe. He'd walked the whole way staring at his feet, and his neck was starting to stiffen.

He looked up. What was he going to eat for dinner? He didn't really feel like noodles...

...the color drained from his face.

The young boy fought a not-so-new urge to run away there and then. Everything was going fine! Dammit. Did he have to bump into someone now?

Well, more like they bumped into him about two seconds after Rokuro noticed them, as the impact threw them both onto the floor.

"Oy! Look where you're going, dammit!" He was already late! Wrong moment. Very wrong moment and place.

Like in some cheesy romantic movie, he looked up, his crimson eyes narrowed with dull pain, and met the most entrancing pair of aquamarine eyes.

The person they belonged too also grunted in pain, pulling themselves together and slowly standing back up, but he was too busy staring at them to move. He was also too busy staring to notice that his hood had fallen back down and that his characteristic hair was exposed for everyone to recognize him from a mile away.

"You were standing in the middle of the way. Gaping like an idiot."

A judgemental voice pulled him out of his daze. It was a pretty voice. It belonged to the eyes, didn't it? He blinked. There was more than mesmerizing eyes to a person. Like long, flowing, dark purple hair, as well as a frown that barely marred graceful features of a perfect face. He had just bumped into a beautiful girl his age.

Then her words registered in his brain.

Who the hell was she to call him an idiot?!

"Hey, sorry to break it to you, Ochibi-chan, but you need a reality check! You're the one who bumped into me!" Rokuro said hotly, finally standing back on his feet. He shot her a haughty look, which she returned with a fierce glare. How could he have thought this rude girl was not just pretty, but beautiful?

"You..." Uh-oh, she was seething now. "Who do you think you are calling 'Ochibi-chan'? You are a shrimp!" Her purple hair swayed slightly as she pushed her weight to her right leg and placed her hand on her hip.

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