Asuna is going on a fieldtrip to Japan, Tokyo. It all seems fun in games until she discovers shocking news. Can she find a way to turn things back to the way it was??
-Follow me for more- After class 3-A arrived to Tokyo, everyone made their way to the Japanese inn."Attetion everyone" the teacher called to the students. "Rember to stay with your groups and be back at the inn by 7 sharp" she said and went off with some other teachers.Asuna was in group 3 with her friends and the girl from the train. "So were do wanna go to first?" Asuna asked. "How about the maid cafe*" Ren replied. "Well then what are we waiting for!!" Konoka shouted. All 4 of them went to the maid cafe. "Welcome!" Three girls dressed in maids outfits said in unison. "Please have a seat" the girl in the middle said. The whole group execpt the girl from the train said thank you and they all sat at a table. "Wow you have beautiful eyes" the brunette in the middle said to Ren then gave everyone a menu and the girls walked away. The girl from the train seemed to be offended be offended (even though she didn't say anything rude). "Are you okay?" Asua asked. "Y-yes i'm fine" she replied with a expressionless face. "Hey i dont think i saw you before what's your name?" Konoka intruded. "Huh? Oh it's Kyoko" she said staring at the maid at the other side of the room. After the four decided what they wanted to eat they ordered. -time jump 5 mins- The maids came back with drinks and food when Kyoko knocked over her glass and stained her clothes. The brunette then made her way towards Kyoko "Oh my, follow me I believe we have one more maid outfit" she said and led Kyoko into the back. That was weird, Asuna thought, it looks like she spilled it on purpose. Aaaahhhhh!!! "What was that!" Konoka said. "I don't know" Ren and Asuna said together. Then kyoko walked out of the staff room and returned to her seat. The group decieded to eat quickly and tour other places. -time skip 3 hours- The four of them went back to the inn and turned on the tv to the news. The tv flashed a pitcure of the bruntte maid lying deadon the floor. Ren, Asuna, and Konoka gasped, but Kyoko just let out a muffled giggle. The three of them turned and stared at Kyoko with wided eyes. "Ahem" Kyoko cleared her throat as if it was normal to laugh when someone died. "What's up with her?" Ren said to Asuna. Kyoko must have heard what he said because again she looked offended. Then the lady on televison spoke "We are not sure who the killer is but it seems as if she has been stabbed although there was no murder weapon found" Asuna shivered at the thought of a murder occuring right under her nose. Soon all of 3-A had to call it a night, but Asuna lay in her bed unable to sleep from what happened "we are not sure who the killer is but it seems as if she had been stabbed although there was no murder weapon found" the words rang inside her head as she stared at the tan wall.
-The end of chapter 2-
*A maid cafe is a place were the workers dress up as maids and treat you as if you were their master/mistress perfect place for those who enjoy roleplaying or anime.*
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