Asuna is going on a fieldtrip to Japan, Tokyo. It all seems fun in games until she discovers shocking news. Can she find a way to turn things back to the way it was??
~Feel free to comment some suggestions! I hope you enjoy and if you do like, comment, and share! At last the sun arose and the students all went to breakfeast. Asuna sat down still startled by what happened yesterday, she was as pale as a ghost (it looked as if you can see through her). "Hey Asuna are you alright?" Ren asked concerned. "Oh, no i'm perfectly fine" Asuna said quicly, blushing (wishing ren wont notice). "You sure?" Kokona asked clearly, also concerned. "Told you guys i'm fine" Asuna replied. "So what do you wanna do today?" She asked trying to change the subject of the conversation. "Umm... I don't know" both Konoka and Ren replied. "I know..." said a voice so plain and boring that could rid of any emotion or feeling (Kyoko). Asuna shivered to the sound of it. "Lets go to Aokigahara" Kyoko continued in that plain voice. Ren, Asuna, and Konoka not knowing what it was decided to go. -time jump after breafeast- -Asuna's pov- We were all walking down the road for about 30 minutes my curly blue pigtails bouncing around. "Are we there yet?"my best friend Konoka asked, bored and tired from walkin so much. "All most there." Kyoko said, then said somthing under her breath. At last Kyoko lead us into a forest, it was a bit shady due to all the trees. We went deeper into the forest untill we saw dead bodies and skeletons everywhere. "OH MY GOD!!" Screamed Konoka. I could hear Ren throwing up behind me. Then it hit me, i do know this place. "This is a sucide forest!!" I screamed and started to panick. Next thing I knew I saw kyoko pull out a sharp knife and said "This forest may be for suicides but it can also be for murder!" Then she swung her knife. The next thing I knew I saw and felt blood, but it wasnt mine. Kyoko had jumed in the way to save my life, and took a knife to the heart. "No!" I shouted as tears rolled down my face fast. I had just lost one of my bestfriends. Ren ran up to Kyoko and pinned her to a tree. I sat on the ground next to Konka and to se if i could help her but she was already gone. I could hear Ren struggling to keep hold of her, she must be really strong to make Ren struggle. Crying I took the knife from Konoka's chest and ran over to Kyoko and with all her strengh swung the knife. But somehow kyoko mamaged to escape. We tried runinng after her but she was very fit and zoomed out of my sight easily. I slumped to the ground choking on my own tears. Ren sat down trying to comfort me even though he was just as torn apart as I was. My head lay on his chest and tears fall onto his lap. Then it started to rain.
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"I love you." I said telling my feelings. Ren started to blush "huh. Well then I love you too" he said. A rush energy surged through my body the one I loved every since we were younger has accepted my feelings. But I felt bad knowing that my best friend died and I'm here feeling happy. I lifted my head and stared at hos crystal blue eyes. Then we shared tender kiss.
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Thanks for reading there will be more coming out sorry for putting it off i've been busy! Like, follow and share for some more!