The Beggining

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I sat on my black shiny chair in the white, oddly jail like, lobby of mr. Simon Cowell's office. Louis was sat to my left, braiding my soft gold hair, with Liam to my right, letting me drape my hairless bare legs atop his lap. Louis yanked my hair, once again, making me yelp, once again. I turned my head and glared at the smiling boy. He turned my head back around and finished my braid. He grew up with four younger sisters,it's almost impossible for him to not learn all kinds of braids. Having me as a best friend, did not help much. When he was finished, I payed my head back into his lap, and giggled at the funny faces he was making at me. He certainly was helping take my wandering mind off of Blake. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, making me realize how sleepy I was becoming. I yawned, letting my eyelids get heavier and heavier.

I peeked my eyes open, noticing my body being shaken gently. It was Louis.

"Pst. BabyBoo, Simon is here." He whispered. I squinted my eyes to the side, seeing Simon in the elevator, stepping out. He smiled softly. I gave him a half-smile as best I could, through the tiredness.

"Boys, ill be seeing you now. Nice to see you Nikole. You can come as well, it's nothing you can't know about." He said kindly. I felt myself being lifted by two strong arms belonging to Lou. He carried me bridal style into the elevator and I relaxed my face into his shoulder and closed my eyes until we reached the 13th floor, Simons floor. Louis sat down, not letting me go the whole time, keeping me in his lap. I smiled sweetly.

"So Simon, what's up?" Harry asked. Simon shrugged, clearly there wasn't much of an important meaning of this meeting.

"We need to discuss the upcoming tour." He stated. He looked back to me in particular and furrowed his brows. What was that for? He knows me. "Nikole, I think I need to talk to you, alone please." He smiled innocently to the boys, a sign they should leave me alone.

They all took the hint and excused themselfs, Louis setting me on a chair by myself this time, and lightly shut the door.

"Hi, Ms. Whipple." He said.

"Hello sir. Nice to see you." I smiled politely, but really I was scared out of my mind! I heard him chuckle.

"No need to be scared Niki!" He continued to chuckle. Did I say that aloud? "It's alright, we just need to duiscuss the relationship between you and Louis, no big deal!" I sighed in relief, knowing he wasn't going to forbid me from seeing my best friend, he couldn't.

"Oh, um yeah? He's my best friend." I explained quickly, the worry evident in my voice. He nodded.

"I am well aware. But he's been getting some bad press lately that you may be aware of, hm?" He asked. I nodded my fragile head. He couldn't be blaming me that he was getting called a man whore, could he? "We need to recover from that. We wouldn't want the young teenage girls to think they can just be sluts and win over our boy!"

"Yes, yes I understand sir. What should we do? He wouldn't listen to us if we just told him to stop." I said meekly. He grinned.

"Very true ms. Whipple. But, if we were to get him into a serious relationship, all that bad press would go away." I scrunched up my brows and tilted me head. "Nikole, it's no secret Louis is in love with you." I widened my eyes. What is he asking me?

"He is? I mean, we're just best friends! We've been this way for years!" I exclaimed, flabbergasted.

"Yes, which is how I know he's felt this way for years. So I'll propose a deal. I know your dream is to be a dancer one day. You've been teaching the kids at Dancers Unlimited sense you were 16, and your quite talented. I could get you a job as a dancer for the boys, very good pay, if you do one thing for me." He explained.

"And what would I have to do?" I asked.

"You need to be Louis' girlfriend. We won't tell him about our little deal, and it outta straighten up his attitude. What do you say?" He offered me. Before I could say no way, my mouth spoke up, begging for that job.

"I'll do it!"


Sorry short chappie, just wanted that to happen soon!(: more to come so stay tuned! Love y'all! -Ry!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2013 ⏰

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