Six: Square One

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**The story is coming along! Chapter Six, please enjoy and share it! ♡♡♡*

POV: Derick
I turn in to my driveway after the gate automatically opens, Airia stares out of the window smiling. My favorite smile from her: When her little dimples show.

"I didn't know the party was at this house, YOUR house. I thought it was rented out or something" She says. I shake my head and grin.

"Nope" I stop in front of my white garage and push my button to open it. I drive in and park, we both hop out as the door closed by itself. "I'll get your bag, go inside and have a look" I say velvety, she nods and says

"Thank you".

9:17 p.m. I pour Airia a glass of sweet lemon tea, turning on the wide screen tv in the media room upstairs. It's sound proof and dark. My parents own a winery in Italy, my hometown. They own the vineyard, trademark, everything. I own and Italian restaurant that's in 9 locations all across the map, making my family proud.
They also, favor Airia a lot and her family, they've become very close.
I hand her her drink and a large blanket, putting in a movie that has action and love and sit back next to her. My two blue eye French baby bulldogs rest in their beds.

"They're so sweet" She says, I chuckle. "They're a lot of work, you have to train them early" I reply.

She takes a sip of tea as the movie starts. "Your twin brother... Edgar right? How is he?" She asks glancing up at me, I scoff softly.

"Can't keep his hands off his girlfriend Melona" I say

There's a pause. "Hungry?" I ask, she nods slightly, biting her lip in interest. "I'm gonna go I'm, take a shower" She says, I nod.

"Pick any room you'd like" I say.
We plan on meeting downstairs at 10:30 as the clock says 9:26.

POV: Airia
I walk in the third room that has gold and white interior. Beautiful, and Greek inspired. I set my bag and purse in the huge walk in closer, hanging my things up by color coordination.
I grab a silver fit, sweetheart dress and Crystal hanging droplet earrings from the jewlary box by the huge square mirror dresser.
Finishing the last couple of touches, I check the time on the white circular clock in the lamp stand. 9:50 it reads.

I sit on the edge of the gold and white bed, sliding on black heels, and make my way down to meet him.

There he is, standing by the table with lit candles in holders and plates of what looks like shrimp alfredo. He's wearing a grey suit and black tie with matching pants and shoes. His hair, neatly done with volume. He looks so handsome, he smiles at the sight of me, and takes me by the hand. I feel swooned as I smile back, trying not to blush.

"Dinner is ready" He says, I sit down carefully as he does and I take a forkful of Alfredo in my mouth. "Mmm this is.... I have no words" I say, he chuckles.

"Tradition, Italian family recipe" He says and grins.

"I love it" I say "I have a few Italians in my family" He takes a sip of wine.

"I know, your mother told me" He says. I shake my head, she keeps conversations as a secret with him. He teases with a wink, I slightly blush again, chuckling also.

**Warning: Heated moment here. Be ready!**

POV: Derick
Her laugh gives me peace in life, she takes another sip of a fresh glass of wine. I glance at her feather like eyelashes, then down to her shape. She has everything I've ever desired.
The difference between me and fuck face Jay and I is, I take my time with women, especially Airia. She's at her second glass of wine, she'll be tipsy soon.

"Easy easy" I tell her calmly, that innocent look on her face when she looks at me. She chuckles, and sets her glass down. We stare at each other in the eyes. The heat between us slowly, growing.

"Airia" I say, "I want... I want to start over" She blinks, tilting her head to the side, the light makes her skin glow. So feminine, full of beauty. Then she looks down at her hands

"I don't know what you're talking about..." She says, she does. I get up from my chair and walk to her, she turns her face the opposite direction where I'm standing.

"Yes you do" I say softly, almost whispering. I take my right hand and stroke her cheek softly, she's looking down still. I kiss her neck softly, making my moves carefully. I have a strong desire for her.

"Love me..." I say in her ear, she lets out a deep breath, closing her eyes. She tries to ignore me even more. But fails to do so. She allows me to lift he up from her chair and I carry her to my room upstairs. I open the door and set her on her heels, looking in her melted chocolate eyes.
I touch her face softly, feeling her soft lined jawline and kiss around it slowly. She bites her lip softly as I speed up the motions, slowly sliding off her dress on the floor. She kisses me with excitement, over and over again, peeling off my suit and tie. She runs her hands down my bare toned chest and pecks my lips. I feel her down her back with both hands.

She's biting my neck gently, making me feel more excited and having the desire to make love to her. I lift her up, grabbing her butt and land her on my bed. She smiles, I unclip her bra and move it to the side. Her beautiful figure, so chilling to me but in a more desirable way. I feel every inch of her. I couldn't stop, but I know she's a virgin, and I'm understanding and respectful of she backs away from this now. Before I go any further, I control myself. We stare in eyes other's eyes for a moment.

"Do you want this to happen?" I ask her. Her smile grows. "Yes"

2 hours later, she stops as we switched places, I feel pleased as she lays on her back, panting, trying to catch her breath. "I love you" She says, tired and satisfied.

POV: Airia
12:23 p.m. the natural light grows inside Derick's room as I lay naked, in white sheets and on silk pillows. I don't bother to open my eyes yet, until the light grows over them. I slowly open them. They're blurry, and then slowly clear, all I see is Derick's face, perfect to me and handsome as ever. He grins, stroking my cheek softly then moving his hands over my lips.
I kiss his hand before he moves it away.

"You're so beautiful when you sleep. I can watch you all day" He says, I try to move close to him but my body screams pain and ache. All from making love with Derick, my first I remember.

He sees the pain in my face and kisses my forehead. I needed to get up and freshen up. I get up slowly this time, I moan in pain as my things are set in his room. My tooth brush and paste set by his, I grin.
I get out of the exhilarating shower and dry off, my soreness is still existent, but slightly bearable. I slip on an off-white lace top and join him back in bed. I wrap my arms around him as he sits up, and I look at him in the eyes. He feels the soft silk that's covering me.

"Very nice" He says, I chuckle. I glance at his neck that's covered with hickey spots and bite my lip. He smacks my ass playfully. "Last night........" I start. He looks up at me, holding me by the waist.

"I never felt that way before. Ever. I.....I feel like it was, amazing, romantic." I continue.

"I love you.. So much." He smiles and kisses me deep with tounge.

"I've always loved you.. So much, more than any guy ever has Airia" He says back, he rubs my back. We stay in our position together in silence for a moment. I sigh happily. It's like we were back to square one, but with more love than ever before.

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