Anti-Drug Entry

14 0 1

For DashAJade contest

Alex is lying on his bed, thinking of what to do later on in the day, he frowns and turns over to his bedside table, opening a drawer. There are a few pencils and papers in the drawer and underneath that, he knows, there is a packet of pills, the type his friends kept telling him to try. He hears his mum wake up across the hall and pretends to be asleep, in case she comes in. She doesn't so he sits up and removes the pills from the drawer. Standing he grabs his phone and dresses, hoodie, tee shirt and jeans, nothing that would stand out. He goes downstairs, talking to a friend on the phone, murmurs something about football to his mum and walks out of the door. The cool breeze sends a volley of shivers down his spine as he walks, still talking. A wave of panic and fear wash over Alex as he thinks of what he is about to do. The very thought of swallowing the small capsule releases a mixture of fear and curiosity inside him. Rounding another corner the park comes into view, and with it a feeling of dread and overwhelming excitement. Alex veers left and presses the buzzer on a run down apartment block. The door opens to reveal a tall, dark haired boy with a wide grin "So you're gonna do it?" He laughs. Alex glares at him and walks inside, taking the stairs to the boys room. "Sam, you knew I would, I want to try it" Alex says, trying to disguise the tremor in his voice.
"Do it then" Sam says, smirking "I'll join you"
Alex takes the packet from his pocket, popping two pills from inside . Before he can talk himself out of it Alex shoves the pill into his mouth, swallowing in the same movement. His sight becomes clearer  for a few seconds along with a sudden high rush of happiness then his memories ended.

Alex wakes with a gasp. Lying on his side in an alley, coated in sweat and unsure where he is. Standing shakily he looks around, gripped in fear at what he has done.

Alex learned his lesson after taking the pill from peer pressure. No matter how cool you think drugs are, so not take them, they can kill you if you take one. Alex was very lucky and survived, you may not be so lucky.

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