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Sydney's POV

I got up and looked out the window. I saw guy but I don't know him

I grabbed a knife and opened the door "I'll kill you!!" I yelled

"Sydney, calm down, it's me" he said
"I don't know you!" I said
"It's me, zayn" he said
"Oh" I said
He chuckled
I smiled and looked down. But now is not the time to flirt.

I took his wrist and pulled him inside. But I herd the ambulance pull up.

I opened the door agin. "Hi sweetie, where's your mum?" A sweet lady said and smiled.
I smiled back and showed her my mum. They lifted her on a stretcher and took her out.

I herd Lilly and Kyle come down stairs. They both ran to me and hugged me.

"Where's mummy?" Lilly asked.
"Mummmy got hurt, but I promise she will be ok" I said
"They both shook there heads. "Go back upstairs, I'll be there in a few" I told Kyle. He shook his head and took Lilly upstairs.

I hugged zayn, I want to cry so hard right now. But I can't,

"It's going to be ok" he said and kissed my cheek
I shook my head,

Two police came in, "can we ask you some quick questions" they asked.
"Yeah" I said.

"It was your X boyfriend who did this, right?" They asked.
"Yeah" I said
"What's his name"
"Bryan Jonas" I said
"Who is this?" They asked
I guess they are talking about Zayn, "my friend" I said
"Is there anymore people in the house?"
"My little sister and brother" I said
"Ok, well I need you to go get them, and if you want to go to the hospital you can go now" they said
"Ok, thank you"
"No problem"

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