Chapter 2

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One day I was trying on some new makeup and I knew I looked fine af.When I asked Jayla how I looked she said girl you need to take that shit off.I looked at her and I know I smacked the shit out of her because after I slapped her she held a face a minute and then I left.Mean while I was walking down the street and yall will never guess who I seen!!!

I see the love of my life.He looked at me a while and then walked away.He then followed me into the shoe store and asked for my number.I was so happy I gave it to him and on the way home I smiled the entire time.

When I got to Jayla I told her everything I thought that she would be happy for me for once but it was the same shit.She was so fucking jealous she said he only want me for sex but I said idgaf.

We started texting often then he took it to the next step and asked me on a date....

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